"Three Cheers for Bubba Duck" is a song featured in the animated series DuckTales episode, "Bubba Trubba".
He's a rocker from the past
Proving rock and roll really lasts
He's a cave-duck with rhythm
Get some rocks so he can hit 'em
The original rolling stone
Certified from way back home
Bubba, Bubba
You gotta love-a Bubba
Bubba, Bubba
Three cheers for Bubba Duck!
Hubba, hubba, hubba
Bubba hits the rocks with a...
Bubba Clubba
Bubba takes a bath in a...
Bubba tubba
Bubba likes to eat his...
Bubba grubba
Bubba makes a goof, it's a...
Bubba flubba
Hubba, hubba, go Bubba
Hubba, hubba, go Bubba
Hubba, hubba, go Bubba
Hubba, hubba, hubba
Bubba, Bubba
Say hubba hubba, Bubba
Bubba, Bubba
Three cheers for Bubba Duck!
Bubba, Bubba
Say hubba hubba, Bubba
Bubba, Bubba
Three cheers for Bubba Duck!
He's Bubba Duck!