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The Animated Atlas of the World is a 1986 animated educational short created for Epcot's The Living Seas that was also distributed on video for classrooms through Disney Educational Productions.


An invisible narrator (voiced by Bernard Fox) banters with the Greek Titan Atlas (portrayed as a caricature of Sylvester Stallone and voiced by Will Ryan) who explains the ocean's relationship with the Earth's weather system and the geological forces at work deep under the sea.


Animated Atlas of the World was primarily storyboarded by Dale Baer, with Andreas Deja serving as one of the key animators of the Atlas character after taking an interest in the project when stumbling upon the boards shortly before the Disney animation studio moved from Burbank to Glendale.[1] The film was screened at Epcot throughout the lifespan of the original Sea Base Alpha theme, being removed during the Seas with Nemo and Friends update in 2006.

Later catalog documentation for the film's Disney Educational Productions release gave it the alternate title Animated Earth: Forces that Change Our Planet.

