T.J. Taylor is a young wizard who goes to the same school as Alex, Justin, and Max.
T.J. is very similar to Alex in that he uses his magic frivolously. However, unlike Alex, whose intentions are never really malicious, T.J. is not above using it to hurt people to get his own way, whether it's adding 30 years onto his ex-girlfriend's life or even brainwashing his parents so he can do whatever he wants without consequence.
He is very unpopular at school, his catchphrase is "I'll show you...", something which only he thinks is funny. Sometimes, it doesn't even make sense.
It is not said which of his parents is a wizard or if both were.
He is in Alex's art class, which was formerly taught by his ex-girlfriend Jenny Majorheely after he turned her into a middle-aged woman out of spite. (This was in episode "Art Teacher".)
In "Disenchanted Evening," he charms his parents using a noodle strudel and puts cinnamon in it to make the charm more spicy.