"Switcheroo Day" is the first segment of the forty-second episode of Alice's Wonderland Bakery. It premiered on December 16, 2023 alongside "Once in a Wondermoon" and is the first segment of the seventeenth episode of season two.
On Switcheroo Day, Alice and friends switch places to step into each other's shoes.
- The characters who trade places with each other in this episode are as follows:
- Alice and Cheshire Cat
- Rosa and Cookie
- Fergie and Hattie
- The Queen of Hearts and a Card Guard
- Hattie puts jam, butter, tea, and two spoons of sugar on Fergie's watch, like how the original Mad Hatter did with the pocket watch of the original White Rabbit in the original animated film.
- And like the original Mad Hatter, Hattie says that Fergie's watch was two days slow.