"Rat Tale" is the fifty-first episode of The Suite Life on Deck. It premiered on July 9, 2010 and is the second episode of the third season.
No longer a couple, Cody and Bailey must decide who keeps Buck, their pet rat. Kirby investigates both to see who will make the better owner, but Woody is bitten by Buck, creating a super-hero alter-ego Ratman, which is breaking apart Zack and his new girlfriend, Sloane.
Main cast[]
- Cole Sprouse as Cody Martin
- Dylan Sprouse as Zack Martin
- Brenda Song as London Tipton
- Debby Ryan as Bailey Pickett
- Doc Shaw as Marcus Little (absent)
- Phill Lewis as Marion Moseby (absent)
Guest stars[]
- Mackenzie Baker as Sloan
- Windell D. Middlebrooks as Kirby
- Matthew Timmons as Woody Fink