“Not showing up for class, inappropriate school attire, picking up fights in gym class, and the fire alarm? Ever since that sky falling incident, he's been nothing but trouble!”
―Fetchit talking to Chicken Little's father about his son's actions.
Principal Fetchit is not physically seen, though only his shadow is shown outside his office where he talks to Chicken Little's father, Buck Cluck about the inappropriate things he did at school earlier, while Chicken Little sits in his office. He was physically seen at the baseball field as he was seen chewing Buck out when Chicken Little tries to warn the townspeople about an UFO (See Gallery below). He is never seen again throughout the film, not even when the aliens restore Oakey Oaks.
His last name is a pun on "fetch it", a term whenever a person throws an object for their pet dog to retrieve the object back to them.
He is somewhat similar to Principal Mazur from A Goofy Movie. Aside from being voiced by the same actor, they are both school principals who question the protagonists' parents about the actions their children did. The only exception is that he does have a somewhat good relation and familiarity with Buck Cluck, as he was aware that he was a former baseball champion.