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"Owl Feathers" is the second segment of the eighteenth episode of the first season of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.


Pooh, Rabbit, Tigger and Piglet are walking through the forest collecting feathers (with Rabbit miscounting his feather count twice). Pooh and Tigger wonder about where the feathers came from, and Piglet offers to demonstrate a magic trick. He is dismissed by Tigger and ignored by Rabbit, but Pooh is amazed at the thought of Piglet doing magic, and so Piglet gets a chance to perform. He attempts to make a rabbit appear out of his hat, but winds up finding Gopher instead. The scene changes, and we find Owl running into a duck while flying across the sky. Owl lectures the duck about having the right of way, and a flock of ducks flies past, knocking Owl out of the sky. He lands on top of Rabbit and says "good day" to everyone.

Rabbit accuses Owl of being the source of the mysterious feathers and Pooh suggests that they "put (the feathers) back where they belong". Rabbit agrees, and they try to stick the feathers back onto Owl using Pooh's honey, making a horrible mess of things. Rabbit tells everyone present that Owl is going bald; Owl expresses shock and disbelief at this statement. Rabbit explains the seriousness of the situation, in that Owl will soon lose all of his feathers, and without his feathers he will be unable to fly. Owl argues that he can fly perfectly; Rabbit reminds him that he crashed very recently, and Owl is forced to acknowledge this. Piglet wonders aloud (quite astutely) if having crashed into numerous ducks could have caused Owl's crash; Tigger dismisses this idea. Pooh and Tigger tell Owl that they are very sorry about his situation, and Rabbit suggests that he go home and get some rest. Owl agrees, and goes home.

Owl paces back and forth. He looks at himself in the mirror and, seeing all the feathers that have fallen off of him, comes to agree with Rabbit that he is losing his feathers. Owl falls into despair, and sits in his armchair. Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet and Eeyore arrive and announce that they have come to cheer Owl up. Owl thanks them but says that he is too miserable for their plan to work. Piglet offers to perform a magic trick, an idea that is dismissed by Eeyore, But Piglet starts to perform the trick anyway. He is trying to make flowers appear, and he is successful, except that there is a bee in the flowers, which stings Owl and sends him flying out of the roof of his house, only to come crashing down onto his armchair, which breaks it. Rabbit says that they must find a way to help Owl, and Pooh agrees.

Later, Pooh and Owl are seen high up on the branch of a very tall tree; Owl has badminton rackets strapped to his wings. Pooh tells Owl that he will be flying again in no time; Owl asks him if he is "quite certain that badminton rackets are a suitable substitute for wings". Pooh assures him that the rackets have never failed him before, but after Owl attempts to fly and crashes to the ground Pooh reveals that he has never actually tried it. The scene changes and we find Tigger yelling encouragements at Owl, who is walking on enormous stilts. Owl is very happy with this solution until one of the stilts falls into Gopher's hole, and Owl goes plunging into the darkness. Later, Piglet is performing another magic trick for Rabbit and Pooh. He is attempting to make Tigger disappear, and asks the audience to cover their eyes, which they do. Piglet fails to make Tigger vanish, but Pooh, having never opened his eyes, believes that Piglet has not only made Tigger disappear, but himself and Rabbit as well. After Rabbit uncovers Pooh's eyes, Pooh believes that Piglet has made everyone reappear, and he is amazed. Eeyore appears, and Rabbit tells him that he is supposed to be cheering up Owl. Eeyore says that Owl is too depressed for him to be able to do such a thing. Piglet wonders why Owl is unable to fly, and suggests that it may just be in his head. Piglet expresses a belief that Owl needs him, and wonders what he could do to help.

Owl sits alone by a pond, staring dejectedly into the water. Piglet enters the scene and offers to show Owl a magic trick, which Owl declines. Piglet proceeds to do the trick anyway, and he succeeds in flying (he is attached to a rope that is hung over a tree branch, and Pooh is pulling the rope on the other side). Piglet comes back to the ground and Owl, having believed Piglet's trick, asks Piglet is he could make him fly as well. Piglet says that he could, and asks Owl to repeat the magic spell after him. They do this, and Owl, after flapping his wings, begins to fly. Pooh congratulates Piglet on his work.

Later on, Pooh lies with Christopher Robin on a hill, finishing the story of what has happened in the episode, which he is telling Christopher. Christopher Robin explains to Pooh that the mysterious feathers are not Owl's, they are from Christopher Robin's pillow, and he reminds Pooh of the pillow fight they had a few days prior to the events of the episode. Pooh remembers this, and Christopher Robin says "silly old bear".

The episode appears to be over, but then Piglet appears suddenly and offers to perform a magic trick, claiming that he can now truly pull a rabbit out of his hat. Christopher Robin accepts the offer, and Piglet does the trick. However, instead of finding a rabbit, he finds a clone of himself, another Piglet, which he pushes back into the hat. Piglet suggests that he may want to take up something "less confusing" than magic, and the episode ends.


Home Video[]

  • Volume 9: Everything's Coming Up Roses (VHS)
  • Friendship: Clever Little Piglet (VHS)


  • Pooh Bear's Big Surprise (VHS)


v - e - d
Winnie the Pooh logo
Films: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (video) • Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (video) • Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (video) • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (video) • Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore (video) • Pooh's Great School Bus AdventurePooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (video) • Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving (video) • The Tigger Movie (video) • The Book of Pooh: Stories from the HeartWinnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh YearPiglet's Big Movie (video) • Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo (video) • Pooh's Heffalump Movie (video) • Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie (video) • Super Sleuth Christmas MovieTigger & Pooh and a Musical TooSuper Duper Super SleuthsWinnie the Pooh (video) • Christopher Robin (video)

TV Shows: Welcome to Pooh CornerThe New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (video) • The Book of PoohMy Friends Tigger & PoohPlaydate with Winnie the PoohMe & Winnie the Pooh
Video Games: Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre WoodWinnie the Pooh: The Honey HuntTigger's Honey HuntPiglet's Big GameWinnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly AdventurePooh's Party Game: In Search of the TreasureKinect: Disneyland AdventuresKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIWinnie the Pooh: Adventures of the Hundred Acre WoodAnimated Storybook: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey TreeAnimated Storybook: Winnie the Pooh and Tigger TooKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney POP TOWN
Cancelled: The World According to Winnie the Pooh

Disney Parks
Esperanza Character CarouselFantasy GardensGarden of Twelve FriendsHunny Pot SpinLe Pays des Contes de FéesPLAY!Pooh's Hunny HuntPooh's Playful SpotThe Magic of Disney AnimationThe Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney SongbookFantasy FestivalIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”Once Upon a MouseWinnie the Pooh and Friends, too!Wondrous Journeys Restaurants: Crystal Palace
Shops: Pooh Corner
Parades: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's FantillusionDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney on Parade: 100 Years of MagicDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Flights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Mickey's Rainy Day ExpressMickey's Storybook ExpressTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Disneyland ForeverMomentousOnce Upon a TimeReach for the StarsRemember... Dreams Come TrueWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney's Easter WonderlandDisney's Spring PromenadeHippity Hoppity SpringtimeUsatama on the Run!
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Happy HallowishesMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeMickey's Halloween Celebration
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy ParadeDisney's White Holiday ParadeLa Parade de Noël Disney

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohChristopher RobinPigletTiggerEeyoreRabbitKangaRooOwlGopherBeesHeffalumpsWoozlesMr. Narrator

Welcome to Pooh Corner: Robert Rabbit
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Mrs. RobinBirdzillaMama HeffalumpJunior HeffalumpPapa HeffalumpCrowsKessiePygmy PigletsCrudSmudgeStan and HeffWoosterBrunoTed, Pinky & Vacuum HeadPack RatsNasty JackNasty Jack's GangBugsJagularRabbit's relativesLong John CottontailDexterSkippy
Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin: SkullasaurusTyrannosaurus Rex
Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for You: Winifred
Pooh's Heffalump Movie: LumpyMama Heffalump
My Friends Tigger & Pooh: DarbyBusterBeaverWoodpeckerOpossum Twins
Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie: Santa ClausHolly
Winnie the Pooh: BalloonThe BacksonRabbit's Friends and Relations
Christopher Robin: Evelyn RobinMadeline RobinGiles Winslow Jr.Cecil Hungerford
Winnie the Pooh for President: Rodney the Rotten Wolf
Cameos and Crossovers: GomerTeddi BarraMr. BluebirdIsabel the Green Tree Frog

Welcome to Pooh CornerThe New Adventures of Winnie the PoohThe Book of PoohMy Friends Tigger & Pooh
Hundred Acre WoodPooh's HousePiglet's HouseTigger's HouseRabbit's HouseEeyore's HouseOwl's HouseRabbit's GardenChristopher Robin's RoomSkull CaveNorth PoleGopher's TunnelsHeffalump HollowThe Scary Woods
Winnie the Pooh dollWinnie the Pooh storybookRock Remover
Movie Songs

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: "Winnie the Pooh" • "Up, Down, Touch the Ground" • "Rumbly in My Tumbly" • "Little Black Rain Cloud" • "Mind Over Matter" • "A Rather Blustery Day" • "The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" • "Heffalumps and Woozles" • "Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down" • "Hip-Hip-Hooray!"
Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh: "I Am Not Afraid" • "I Wanna Scare Myself"
Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin: "Forever & Ever" • "Adventure is a Wonderful Thing" • "If It Says So" • "Wherever You Are" • "Everything is Right"
A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving: "Hooray, Hooray!" • "Berrily We Roll Along" • "Our Thanksgiving Day"
Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving: "Seasons of Giving"
The Many Songs of Winnie the Pooh: "It Really Was a Woozle, Yes it Was"
Sing a Song with Pooh Bear: "Kanga Roo Hop" • "Harvest What You Grow" • "My Song"
Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for You: "Girls are Like Boys" • "When the Love Bug Bites" • "Places in the Heart"
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year: "Jingle Bells" • "Snow Snows" • "Happy Pooh Year" • "Hunny, No Not For Me" • "Auld Lang Syne"
The Tigger Movie: "Someone Like Me" • "Whoop-de-Dooper Bounce" • "Lull-a-Bee" • "Round My Family Tree" • "How to Be a Tigger" • "Your Heart Will Lead You Home"
Piglet's Big Movie: "If I Wasn't So Small" • "A Mother's Intuition" • "With a Few Good Friends" • "Sing-Ho (For the Life of a Bear)" • "The More It Snows (Tiddely-Pom)" • "The More I Look Inside" • "Comforting to Know"
Springtime With Roo: "We're Huntin' Eggs Today" • "Sniffley Sniff" • "Easter Day With You" • "The Way It Must Be Done"
Pooh's Heffalump Movie: "Little Mr. Roo" • "The Horribly Hazardous Heffalumps" • "The Name Game" • "Shoulder to Shoulder" • "In the Name of the Hundred Acre Wood/What Do You Do?"
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie: "Trick 'R Treating With Our Friends" • "Brave Together"
Winnie the Pooh: "The Tummy Song" • "A Very Important Thing to Do" • "The Winner Song" • "The Backson Song" • "It's Gonna Be Great" • "Everything is Honey" • "Pooh's Finale" • "So Long"
Christopher Robin: "Goodbye, Farewell" • "Busy Doing Nothing" • "Christopher Robin"

Television Songs
Welcome to Pooh Corner: "Welcome to Pooh Corner Theme Song" • "Try a Little Something New" • "The Right Side" • "Yes, I Can" • "You're the Only You" • "I Hum to Myself" • "Please and Thank You" • "Responsible Persons" • "You're the One and Only One" • "Welcome to Pooh Corner Ending Theme"
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: "Pooh Bear" • "'Cause It's Make Believe" • "The Floating Song" • "Nothing's Too Good for a Friend" • "Under the Bed" • "I Don't Have A Name" • "King of the Beasties" • "The End" • "Pirates is What We'll Be" • "Tigger the Private Ear is Here"
The Book of Pooh: "Everyone Knows He's Winnie the Pooh" • "Goodbye for Now" • "Your Best Wishes" • "On the Double" • "Who is Me" • "Think, Think, Think" • "A Day in the Life of a Pooh" • "What Piglets Are" • "I Watch for Signs" • "We're Making a Cake" • "If I Could Be Big" • "Isn't That Funny?" • "Everyone Wants a Valentine" • "That's What We Do" • "Keep it Simple" • "Have You Got a Book For Me?" • "Give It a Try" • "On Your Way Back Home" • "The Birdbird Song" • "Nightmare Wranglers" • "Carry On" • "What's Your Name, River" • "Where Do Words Go?" • "Under a Spelling Bee's Spell" • "Adventure" • "Stripey McSnarl Always Gets His Man" • "Mental Altitude" • "I Want to Know Everything Now" • "Happy Tailiversary" • "Get Growin'" • "Tigger's Lullaby" • "Perfect Party" • "If We Were Talkin'" • "Someone New to Meet" • "My Hero" • "Broken Friendships" • "Do the Roo" • "Call Me Buck-a-Roo" • "At Chez Piglet" • "Nothing Ever Happens" • "Too Much Honey" • "Lost in a Book"
My Friends Tigger and Pooh: "My Friends Tigger & Pooh Theme" • "A Few Simple Rules" • "Bouncin'" • "The Grass is Greenier" • "The Password Song" • "Underneath the Same Sky" • "One Big Happy Family" • "Think, Think, Think" • "The Question Song" • "Floating in a Cloud" • "Different Can Be Good" • "The Little Things You Do" • "There's a Party" • "No More Fun In the Snow" • "Butterflies" • "What Makes a Pony a Pony" • "When We Work Together" • "Christmas Comes Tomorrow" • "Time to Go (On a Trek Through the Snow)" • "Snowman Song"
Playdate with Winnie the Pooh: "Playdate with Winnie the Pooh" • "Try a Tricycle" • "Get Your Bounces Out" • "Something Wonderful" • "Nothing Is Something" • "Hide and Seek" • "Brand New Colors" • "Friendship Helps Us Fly" • "Don't Give Up" • "Side to Side" • "Waiting for Fun" • "You're My Best Friend" • "Brand New Game" • "You Might Like It" • "Think, Think" • "Story Song" • "The Hundred Acre Hop" • "Best Sleepover Ever" • "Good Goodbye" • "Lemonade" • "You're Special" • "Trick or Treats" • "Jack O'Lantern" • "Smooth Sailing" • "The Perfect Christmas Tree" • "Christmas Is Here" • "Retrace Our Steps" • "Bubbles" • "Birthday Surprise"
Miscellaneous: "Luv-a-bye" • "Playtime Song" • "Learning Song" • "Friendship Song" • "Snug as a Bear Can Be" • "The Scrapbook Song" • "Pooh for President"

See Also
Winnie the Pooh Discovers the SeasonsToo Smart for StrangersThe Disney AfternoonThe Many Songs of Winnie the PoohSing a Song with Pooh BearSing a Song with TiggerWhoopty-Dooper-Loopty-Looper-Alley-Ooper bounce • "Into the Hundred Acre Wood!" • Broadway musicalTales of Friendship with Winnie the Pooh