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"Magnum Opus" is the fifth episode of the Disney+ streaming television shorts series I Am Groot and was released on August 10, 2022. It was written and directed by Kirsten Lepore.


Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, and goes to great lengths to collect art supplies and forge his masterpiece. Rocket stumbles upon Groot’s efforts and quickly discovers just how messy—and disastrous—the artistic process can be.


Groot is going around the ship, collecting things. He snips off some of Rocket's tail hair and steals Drax's bar of soap. With arts and crafts, he begins to create a diorama. This all builds up to him creating a bomb to add the finishing touches to it and blows a hole in a room on the ship. Alerted to the sound, Rocket enters and discovers Groot's actions as he patches up the hole with duct tape. Rocket sees the final drawing that Groot drew and is genuinely impressed with it. Before he can do anything else, the hole gets bigger and starts sucking things out, but Groot rescues him. His drawing is seen floating in space.



  • The episode was screened early in front of showings of Thor: Love and Thunder from July 18 - 24, 2022 at the El Capitan Theater.[1]
  • Rocket is revealed to wear glasses.
  • This episode marks the first Marvel production to receive a G rating from the MPA.


  1. Groot’s drawing is supposed to be his sacrifice from the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but James Gunn stated that this Groot is supposed to be the son of the first Groot who sacrificed himself. Also Groot II is not supposed to have any memories of Groot I.


v - e - d
I Am Groot logo
I Am Groot (soundtrack)
Groot • Rocket Raccoon • Drax the Destroyer • Iwua • The Watcher
Season One: "Groot's First Steps" • "The Little Guy" • "Groot's Pursuit" • "Groot Takes a Bath" • "Magnum Opus"

Season Two: "Are You My Groot?" • "Groot Noses Around" • "Groot's Snow Day" • "Groot's Sweet Treat" • "Groot and the Great Prophecy"

See Also
Grunds • Vyloo

