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"Lady Starblaster" is the twenty-second episode of the first season of Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero. It premiered on June 8, 2015.


Rippen risks his entire mission to steal a planet's water when he hopelessly falls for a ruthless space villain, Lady Starblaster.


The episode starts at Middleburg Central High School at night, where a party is taking place. Terry, wearing the mascot costume, is dancing in the party, but Sashi appears, while riverdancing, and kicks him in the belly before she kicks him again at the head, knocking him away, and continues riverdancing. Boone is doing a robot dance, asking if anyone ordered a robot, while Larry is also dancing. Penn knocks Larry away as he proceeds to dance with Matilda, enjoying the dance with him. Rippen is drinking juice from the punch bowl before Penn, while dancing, lands on the table with great force, launching the punch bowl into Rippen's head, wetting him.

At The Odyssey, Penn proceeds to dance with Phyllis, ending with him throwing her to the Multi-Universe Transprojector's control booth. Phyllis says she feels like she is "1014 again" before she zaps the heroes into the world.

The heroes get zapped near a body of water, with Penn and Sashi being space warriors while Boone is a blue alien, and they see the water getting sucked up. Penn, confused, asks Sashi to tell the mission and she does so; the planet's water is being stolen by a spaceship sent by Count Destructo and they must get the water back.

At the spaceship, Rippen says how Count Destructo would be impressed at him for stealing all the planet's water, but one of the robot tells him the water is changing direction as another spaceship steals the water from him. Rippen angrily tells Larry to make contact with the spaceship captain, saying he will blow them into smithereens if they don't return the water. Rippen comes in contact with the starship captain, who is facing behind from the camera, telling them they will suffer consequences, before the starship captain turns around, revealing themself to be a woman, introducing herself as Lady Starblaster. Rippen falls in love with her as he imagines himself with her in romantic situations, such as playing music from a boombox at her and her tossing a snake at him, them drinking from Larry's head and them getting married while Larry is crying at them and the heroes are tied to a rope hanging from a tree. Lady Starblaster complains about how Rippen fantasizes himself with her, with him apologizing to her, saying he was just calling her because she stole his water. Lady Starblaster tells him she has yoga class at 4 o'clock and gives him 10 seconds to surrender, counting down from ten, so Rippen tells her the cape she is wearing looks really "tots-a-dorps". Lady Starblaster thanks him, saying her cape is made of "silk in despair", before she continues the countdown. Rippen notices the heroes entering her spaceship on a small spaceship, so he tells her they are trying to take the water back to the planet and tells her she should let him board her spaceship and get rid of them for her, which she accepts, telling him they would start an evil partnership if he succeeds.

The heroes land inside Lady Starblaster's spaceship as they see three robots conversating about her inviting Count Destructo to a party before Sashi kills them, using their parts as disguises for her, Penn and Boone, so they can go to the party and find out how to return the water back from its planet. At the party, Penn delivers Rippen space rats on crackers, saying they are delicious, so Rippen eats one of them and say they do taste good. He then sees Lady Starblaster interacting with other aliens, one of them carrying a Flurgle. Lady Starblaster laughs and accidentally knocks the Flurgle towards a robot, causing it to fall back down and push a row of robots in a domino fashion before the last robot falls towards a green generator, causing it to explode. Rippen gets impressed at what happened and approaches her, with her pointing out the rust on his metal suit looks like sweating armpits. She asks Rippen if he caught the intruders, which he says he haven't caught them yet. Larry whispers to him, telling him to tell her he loves her, which he angrily knocks him away. He then nervously asks her if her boyfriend is coming to the party, which she denies it, saying it is hard to date when she is taking over the universe, and tells him she has a thing for men who has skunk-like hair, exciting Rippen because he believes she is talking about him. She tells Rippen she invited Count Destructo to make him watch her biggest achievement: once the spaceship's container is filled with the planet's water, it will automatically drop off into the planet with great force, knocking it into another planet and so on, destroying the entire solar system. Larry tells him to whisper, which Rippen is about to say something to him, but he notices the heroes' eyes inside their diguises, with Penn telling him to ignore their "human-looking" eyes. Rippen and Larry expose the heroes to her, with her aiming laser pointers towards them and commanding her minions to take them to the pump room, so they can watch the water getting pumped and get thrown into it. She then tells Rippen that when he is done with the heroes, they will go dancing.

At the pump room, Penn asks Rippen what dance moves did he got, which he tells him he doesn't know how to dance. Penn tells him he can teach him how to dance. Larry tells Rippen he has to accept, as Penn won Middleburg's Snazziest Feet Award three times. Rippen accepts, so Penn asks Larry to play violin music as Larry releases his handcuffs and takes out a violin from his metal suit's chest. Penn and Rippen proceed to dance together, distracting him. Boone and Sashi use Larry's jetpack flames to cut their handcuffs; Sashi captures Larry while Boone steals his violin. While dancing, Rippen notices the two liberated from the handcuffs as Sashi aims at him. He and Larry then get tied by wires as Lady Starblaster appears to stop them, leading her to fight against Sashi, who throws her near the platform's edge, leaving her hanging. Rippen, still tied to Larry by the wires, tells her to grab his hair, saving her from falling. However, she tosses him and Larry away, with Larry grabbing the edge, saving himself and Rippen from falling. She then tells them she was just using them to catch the heroes as she tries to exit the room, but Larry flies towards with his jetpack, saying that no one betrays Rippen, and grabs her, knocking her into the pump room's water. Rippen gets sad because he never got to dance with her, so Larry asks him if he can dance with him.

In space, the spaceship's container gets released and is about to crash into the planet, but the heroes, using their small spaceship, shoot a missile towards it, cracking it and releasing the water back to the planet. At the spaceship, Rippen and Larry are dancing before Rippen notices Count Destructo watching them, so he greets him, trying to distract him from what he saw.

In the planet, Lady Starblaster gets out of the water as she notices an alien frog creature watching her and falling love, so she attacks it with her tongue, ending the episode.



  • The scene where Penn, Boone and Sashi are disguised as robots is similar to when Sonic's friends Sally, Bunnie and Antoine are disguised as Swat-Bots from the 90's show Sonic the Hedgehog episode "Sonic's Nightmare".
  • It is revealed that Penn is a talented dancer, knowing many styles of dance and having won Middleburg's Snazziest Feet Award three times running.
  • The Flurgle from Flurgle Burgle makes another cameo appearance.
  • This episode reveals that Phyllis is 1014 years old.
  • Alfred Molina and Sigourney Weaver, who voiced Lady Starblaster in this episode, were reunited after their previous roles in the 2011 film Abduction as Frank Burton and Dr. Geraldine "Geri" Bennett.

The Odyssey marquee signs[]



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Penn Zero Logo
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
Penn Zero • Sashi Kobayashi • Boone Wiseman • Phyllis • Brock Zero • Vonnie Zero • Aunt Rose and Uncle Chuck • Rippen • Principal Larry • Phil • Mayor Pink Panda • Princess Alrgelbaccch Blunkenthorttthhhph • Captain Super Captain • Professor Evil Professor • Eight Ball • Sheriff Scaley Briggs • Blaze • General Talon • Soda Jerk • Amber Briggs • Lady Starblaster • Nug • The Milkman • Coach Jackie • Coach Wallace • Mr. Snowman • Pirate Maria • General Bighorn • The Hooded Pixie • Sonny Sonnerstein • Grinkon • Super Amazing Bouncy Ball • Arata, Hideo, and Yumi • Vlurgen • The Guardian • Judge Blort Clooney • Mayor DiReginald Hindenburg • The Chinchilla
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (Opening Theme) • We're Breaking Out of Here for Christmas • Time to Kill • We Can Catch the Milkman • What is a Princess? • Pigoilet • Victory is Mine at Last • The Truth of It Is • Moonlight Bright • This is a Real Song • Boone Reads On • Race to the Top • Race to the Top (reprise) • You're a Karaoke King • High in the Sky • Breath In, Breath Out • Bad Weed • Today's The Day • My Name is Penn Zero • Save the Worlds • In the Splishy Splashy Sea • Come Aboard with Me • Training to Win • Wings of Destiny Song • Sometimes We Need a Friend • Build and Backup Now • The Time Table • Everybody Chillax • Why Won't You Turn Green • It's the Best Friend Song • It's the Best Friend Make Up Song • Grinkon's Song • Its Not Just Today
Season One: "North Pole Down" • "Chicken or Fish?/The Old Old West" • "Babypocalypse/That Purple Girl" • "I'm Super!/The Fast and the Floor Rugs" • "Brainzburgerz/Chuckle City" • "Flurgle Burgle/Temple of the Porcelain God" • "Defending the Earth/Number One, Number Two" • "3 Big Problems/Cereal Criminals" • "I'm Still Super!/Balls!" • "The Princess Most Fair/Hail Larry" • "It's a Colorful Life/Larry Manor" • "Lady Starblaster/Amber" • "Totally into Your Body/Fish and Chips" • "The Ripple Effect" • "Where Dragons Dare/Rip-Penn" • "Chuckle City 500/Rock and Roll" • "Plantywood: City of Flora/Boone's Apprentice" • "The QPC/Shirley B. Awesome" • "Massive Morphy Merge Mechs/Ultrahyperball" • "Zap One" • "Save the Worlds"

Season Two: "The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats" • "Alpha, Bravo, Unicorn/A Game of Cat and Mouse" • "Wings of Destiny/Sensitivity Training" • "The Bewildering Bout of the Astounding Automatons/Back to the Past of Future Balls" • "A Tale of Two Wizards/Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian" • "Be My Ghost/The Chinchilla" • "The Kobayashis/Cereal Fugitives" • "The Last Mountain Beast" • "Ninki Ninja Fight Town/My Mischievous Son" • "That Purple Guy/Rootilda" • "The Most Dangerous World Imaginable/Trading Faces" • "13 Big Problems/Mr. Rippen" • "At the End of the Worlds"

Middleburg • Middleburg Central High • The Odyssey • Fish Stick on a Stick • North Pole • Knight World • Superhero World • Arabian World • Plush Toy World • Clown World • Dinosaur Cowboy World • Cereal World • Old English World • Giant Monster World • Zombie World • Space World • Ocean World • Color World • Musical Fairy Tale World • Caveman Spy World • Future Barbarian World • Ultrahyperball World • Demon World • Alien World • Galaxy World • Temple World • Dragon World • Gothic Mystery World • Plant World • Animal Barbarian World • Toy World • Outer Space Court World • Robot World • Pirate World • Fairymania World • Steampunk World • Ball World • Ghost World • Rock, Paper, Scissor World • Beast World • Anime World • Sitcom World • Nothingness • Most Dangerous World Imaginable • Least Dangerous World Imaginable
Multi-Universe Hologram Uplink • Multi-Universe Transprojector • Pigoilet • The QPC Unit • Vortex Tops • Specs