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Julia is a character from the 2020 Disney+ original film The One and Only Ivan.


Julia serves as the daughter of her father George who works as an animal caretaker at the Big Top Mall. She would often visit the animals in their enclosures and use her crayons to draw pictures on her sketchbook to bond with the animals, such as the gorilla Ivan during nighttime often encouraging him to draw. In spite of using her sketchbook, Julia also observed Ivan who is uncomfortable of living in his enclosure, reminding Ivan who wants to be free, becoming passionate with the gorilla while trying to convince George that Ivan wants to find a better home where can feel comfortable. Julia's drawings gave Ivan inspiration to make a painting that represents his freedom to remind him of Julia's art. However, to Ivan's confidence, he was able to paint a large painting that represents nature and freedom, impressing the audience. After the animals from the Big Top Mall were adopted, Julia continued observing Ivan in his new home at the Zoo Atlanta with Bob who suddenly becomes adopted.

Role in the film[]

Julia is first seen drawing a picture of Ivan on her sketchbook where Mack feels impressed of how she drew him on her sketchbook bonding with Ivan, impressing Mack of how she drew Ivan well. Later when Mack offers Julia to buy new crayons, George tells him that this is unnecessary, which Mack tells him that he likes to give money for Julia to buy new crayons just before George leaves. The next night, Julia hands Ivan her old crayons, telling Ivan that she sees him watching her when drawing, just as Julia continues to use the new crayons just before Ivan leaves with her father George. She then later shows a drawing of a dog as a superhero named "Super Bob" to a stray dog inside Ivan's enclosure just as she names the dog "Bob". Julia tells her father to look at the drawing Ivan did, showing her father the drawing of a beetle just before Julia and her father leave for home.

The following day, Julia stands next to her father using a spotlight during Ruby and Stella's performance. She then approaches Ruby in her enclosure, telling her that she did well in the show just as she asks Stella of how amazing she did. As Julia sees Stella's swollen foot, she tells her father that something is wrong with her, followed by Mack arriving and telling George that the vet will arrive to make sure how she is feeling. George tells his daughter that Stella will be all right. However, after Stella's death, Julia grieves over her death, along with Mack, the other animals, and the staff of the Big Top Mall.

A day after Stella's passing, Mack trains Ruby to walk into the stage by herself and noticing that Ruby is tired, Julia watches Mack training Ruby and seeing that Ruby is tired, Julia tells her father about this which George tells him to stop, but Mack refuses to, telling him that Ruby is almost close to being independent, planning not to cancel anymore shows which after Ruby sneezes onto Mack, he returns to his office to get himself cleaned. The next day, Julia passes by Henrietta and Frankie and as Julia sees Ivan's drawing, she shows them to Mack showing him the drawings that Ivan did just as Mack is impressed of Ivan's drawings, thinking that he is a gorilla who draws just as Julia shows her father the drawings that Ivan did. Later when Ivan tells a story to Ruby of how he spent his life in the jungle with the other gorillas during the time where his father was killed by poachers, he recaps that Julia was the one who gave him a gorilla doll, naming it "Not-Tag".

The next day, Julia approaches Ivan, giving him paints and as Ivan approaches her, she tells him that she heard the news of him wanting to be free from the circus and not stuck in cages, telling him that she likes drawing, telling him that a drawing can inspire his wish to come true. She then shows Ivan a drawing of her and her mother, Sara at the beach on her sketchbook and as Ivan observes her sketchbook, he remembers the moment in feeling the mud when he was a baby back at the jungle, inspiring him to paint a picture inspired by Julia's drawing. During Ivan's act, George tells his daughter Julia to use the spotlight for him to which during Ivan's act, everyone becomes impressed of his masterpiece just as they cheer for his hard work. After the show, Julia tells his father that Ivan wants to live in the wild and not perform in the circus anymore which she sees the a news reporter, Candace Taylor, from a distance, thinking she might help Ivan which Julia talks to her about Ivan wanting to be free.

The following day after Ivan is relocated at Zoo Atlanta at a gorilla habitat, Julia and her father observe Ivan adapting to his new home with Bob being adopted by Julia while Ruby adapts to living in a new herd of elephants.


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The One and Only Ivan logo
The One and Only Ivan (soundtrack)
Mack • George • Julia • Castello • Helen • Dr. Maya Wilson • Candace Taylor • Ivan • Stella • Ruby • Bob • Snickers • Henrietta • Murphy • Thelma • Frankie • Kinyani
Florida • Big Top Mall
Ain't Nobody • Free