"Holi, By Golly!" is the first segment of the eighty-sixth episode of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures. It premiered on March 27, 2021 alongside "The Pink City!", and is the first segment of the thirty-fifth episode in the third season.
Goofy and the gang must take a painting safely across New Delhi to the Museum of Modern Art.
The episode begins with the gang doing yoga with Yogi Beaglegish, with Donald almost smashing into a canvas. Beaglegish explains the blank canvas is supposed to be "a polar bear eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard," confusing everybody except for Goofy. The yogi then receives a call on his yogi hotline for help, so he instructs Goofy and the gang to deliver the canvas to the museum.
The gang attempts to take an auto rickshaw to the museum, but the road is completely empty, forcing them to travel on foot. It then begins raining, so Goofy takes the canvas and hides under a box to protect it while everyone else get splashed with mud by an oncoming van. Once the rain stops, a large gust of wind blows the canvas, forcing everyone to run after it. They find it on a shop roof in a bazaar, but while getting it accidentally instigate a food fight among the vendors. Goofy and friends are able to rescue the canvas before running into a cloud of colors. Daisy looks on her phone to find that today is Holi, a Hindu festival of colors. While everyone gets splashed with colors, Goofy desperately tries to save the canvas.
Goofy arrives to the museum with the canvas still blank, but everything that happened earlier today begins hitting the canvas, as if to add insult to injury. Goofy is now upset because he thinks he ruined Beaglegish's canvas, but Beaglegish, who just arrives, explains with Donald that the canvas now represents the journey everyone went through while coming to the museum. The museum curator comes up and complements the painting before hanging it up in the painting. The episode ends with the gang going into the Holi celebration to play in the colors.