Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art attributed to Albert Hurter.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Maurice Noble.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Concept art by Samuel Armstrong.
Concept art by Disney Studio Artist.
Concept art by Samuel Armstrong.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Concept art by Joe Grant.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Layout thumbnail sketch by Ken O'Connor.
Layout thumbnail sketch by Ken O'Connor.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Concept art by Albert Hurter.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketches by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketches by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Story sketch by Disney Studio Artist.
Reproduction cel setup over the background by Disney Studio Artist (1).
Background painting by Disney Studio Artist (1).
Reproduction cel setup over the background by Disney Studio Artist (2).
Background painting by Disney Studio Artist (2).
Background painting by Disney Studio Artist (3).
Background painting by Samuel Armstrong (1).
Background painting by Samuel Armstrong (2).
Background painting by Disney Studio Artist (3).
Background painting by Disney Studio Artist (4).
"And if you hear it echoing... "
I'm wishing (I'm wishing)
"Take her far into the forest. Find some secluded glade where she can pick wildflowers."
"And there, my faithful Huntsman, you will kill her!"
"You know the penalty if you fail."
"Bring back her heart in this."
"Magic Mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?"
"The Huntsman has brought me proof. Behold her heart."
"The heart of a pig?! Then I've been tricked!"
The Queen runs downstairs
The Queen makes a way to the dungeon
"The heart of a pig! The blundering fool!"
"I'll go myself to the dwarfs' cottage..."
"In a disguise so complete no one will ever suspect."
"Now, a formula to transform my beauty into ugliness..."
"Change my queenly raiment to a peddler's cloak."
The Queen creates the potion to transform herself into a witch
"A blast of wind to fan my hate."
"A thunderbolt to mix it well."
"Now, begin thy magic spell."
The Queen drinks a potion
The Queen's hands in skeleton form
The Queen after disguising herself as a witch
"And now, a special sort of death... for one so fair."
The Witch reads sleeping death
"The victim's eyes will close forever, in the sleeping death."
Snow White and the dwarfs dancing
Snow White dancing with
Dopey During "Silly Song" Dopey Top Half With Snow White
During "Silly Song" Sneezy Bottom Half With Snow White
Snow White covers her ears as
Sneezy is about to sneeze
"He was so romantic, I could not resist. "
The Witch evilly dips the apple in the brew
"Look! On the skin! The symbol of what lies within."
"Now, turn red, to tempt Snow White, to make her hunger for a bite."
"It's not for you, It's for Snow White."
The Witch reads the Poison Apple Antidote
"She'll be buried alive!"
The Witch evilly goes through the forest
Dopey attempting to kiss Snow White
"Why, Grumpy! You do care!"
Snow White baking a gooseberry pie
Snow White meets the Evil Queen in disguise
Snow White eats the Poison Apple