The Chessbot 5000 is a robot created by Willem Viceroy. He serves as the main antagonist of the episode "Stanks Like Teen Spirit".
Role in the series[]
Disguised as a student from Flackville High (the school in rivalry with Norrisville), the Chessbot is programmed with every Chess move ever known. The Chessbot goes up against Norrisville's Chess team after the other Flackville High students are beaten. The first person he goes up against is Debbie Kang, who is one of the best Chess players in Norrisville. In the end, the Chessbot eliminates Debbie. One by one, he devastates the rest of Norrisville's Chess team, which breaks the school spirit, leaving them vulnerable to get Stanked by the Sorcerer.
Howard Weinerman starts to suspect there is something weird about "Steve Riley", and manages to see through the robot's disguise. Randy Cunningham realizes the reason Norrisville lost is because they had underestimated the Chessbot and that the Chessbot has to be beaten in order to dispel the Stank. Howard steps forth and challenges the Chessbot, and all the Stanked victims gather around to watch. Finally, Howard bests the Chessbot, using "crazy" Chess moves (something the robot was not programmed to do), and the Stank is dispelled. The Chessbot flips out after being beaten, and morphs into his real form, angrily charging at Howard. Before the Chessbot is even able to land an attack, he is melted by Randy's Ninja Hot Balls.
The remains of the Chessbot can be seen in the arena in episode "Escape from Scrap City".
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