The Great Ancestor summons Mushu.
"So, tell me what mortal needs my protection, Great Ancestor!"
Mushu reading the paper as the Ancestors argue.
"What? I'm a real dragon!"
"Just once chance. Is that too much too ask? I mean, it's not like it'll kill ya."
Mushu accidentally shatters the Great Stone Dragon
"Did I mention that I was the Great Stone Dragon?"
"Don't even worry about it! I will not lose face!"
"Ow! My elbow! Oh, oh, I know I twisted something."
"This is just great! Now what?"
"And all 'cause Miss Man decided to take her little drag show on the road!"
"Wait a minute! That's it! I'll make Mulan a war hero and they'll be begging me to come back to work!"
"That's the master plan! Oh, you've done it now, man!"
"Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?"
"C'mon, you gonna stay, you're gonna work!"
"So, heed my word! 'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl..."
"...the penalty is DEATH!"
"I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful the pleasurable..."
"...the indestructible Mushu!"
"Dragon, DRA-GON, not lizard, I don't do that tongue thing."
"Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow! Dis..."
"CHICKEN BOY?! Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!"
"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!"
"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!"
"Wait! You forgot your sword! (sniffles) My little baby out to destroy people!
Mushu facepalms at Mulan's disastrous training.
"This is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?"
"Yeah, sure. GO TO YOUR TENT!"
"I think it's time we took this war to our own hands..."
"Urgent news from the general!"
"Pack your bags, Cri-kee! We're movin' out!"
Mushu accidentally launches a rocket, giving away Shang's troops' positions to the Huns (and pathetically tries to blame Cri-Kee for it).
"Oh sure, save the horse."
"You missed! How could you miss?! He was three feet in front of you!"
Mushu shield surfing to find Mulan
Mushu pulls out the head revealing it to be a Hun's
"Man you are one lucky bug!"
"Oh, nice. You can sit by me!"
Mushu and Cri-Kee scream in terror to see the avalanche is heading right for a cliff!
"I knew you could do it! You da man!"
With Mulan's gender exposed, Mushu gasps in horror as Chi-Fu orders Shang to kill her as penalty.
Mushu glumly picks up a dead Hun's arrow
Mushu roasts a dumpling over the little fire with the dead Hun's arrow
"WHAT?! Whaddya mean you're not lucky?! You...lied to me?"
"Did you see those Huns?! They popped outta the daisies!"
"Let's go kick some Hunny-buns!"
"Now that's what I call Mongolian BBQ."
"Our little baby's grown up and savin' China! You have a tissue?"
"C'mon! Who did a good job?"
Mushu screams in joy as he finally got his guardian job again.
"Call out for egg rolls!"
Mulan thanks Mushu for his help.