Images of Panchito Pistoles from The Three Caballeros and House of Mouse.
Concept art
Pencil test of Panchito and Donald by Ward Kimball.
Conceptual sketches by Fred Moore.
Conceptual sketches by Fred Moore.
Final designs of the Three Caballeros by Fred Moore.
Final designs of the Three Caballeros by Fred Moore.
Final designs of the Three Caballeros by Fred Moore.
Panchito playing guitar, by Fred Moore.
The trio dancing by Fred Moore.
Panchito, José, and Gauchito by Fred Moore.
Panchito with Donald and Jose.
Panchito's guns landing in his holster.
Panchito rides into the House of Mouse on a bull.
Panchito excitedly shakes Mickey's hand.
José joins Panchito in vigorously shaking Mickey's hands. Mickey seems to be enjoying it.
Panchito tells Mickey that he and José have a situation with Donald under control.
Video games
Disney Parks and other live appearances
Donald, Jose, Panchito, Danny, and Vickie in the Disney Main Street Parade from "Full House"
Panchito in Don Rosa's The Three Caballeros Ride Again