Promo image of Mabel with Dipper
Mabel getting Dipper's nose
"You can look, but you can't touch."
Dipper and Mabel riding a boat
Dipper and Mabel using the Mystery Cart
The Gnome Monster grabbing Mabel
Mabel had a leaf-blow mark
Dipper and Mabel ride the Mystery Cart
Dipper and Mabel screaming in horror
Dipper and Mabel was chased by the Gobblewonker
Mabel is about to throw-up
Mabel and the gnomes disguised as Norman
Mabel screaming in terror
Mabel and Dipper in Halloween costumes
Mabel with a magician's hat on
Mabel hiding in a sweater
Mabel and Dipper tiny in size
Mabel trying to get the time-traveling tape measure from Dipper
Mabel keeping warm by the fire
Mabel attacks a gnome with a leaf blower
Mabel getting hit with string from Wendy
Mabel on the collapsing water tower
Mabel listening to a scary story
Mabel in a family photo (chased by police)
Mabel and Wendy dancing in the Mystery Shack
Mabel, Soos, and Dipper scared
Mabel with Li'l Gideon and Dipper
Mabel gets the microphine from Pacifica
Mabel and Soos unhappy about Pacifica winning
Mabel without her sweater on
Mabel caught by the Gremlobin
Mabel with a bumper sticker
Mabel in a trance from finding a merman
Mabel, Grunkle Stan, Soos, and Dipper in swimwear
Mabel wants to kiss Mermando.
Mabel and Dipper in terror
Mabel after eating to much Smile Dip
Mabel and her fellow Mystery Shack people at the pool
Mabel and the others dancing
Mabel with her eyes closed
Mabel riding on one of the members like a horse
Mabel, Candy, Waddles, and Grenda
Mabel and Dipper playing video games
Mabel with jewels on her face.
Mabel in front of Pacifica
Mabel looking at a newbord dino
Mabel with the new dinosaur
Mabel looking at a newsreporter
Mabel and Dipper with bad mustache
Mabel and Waddles on the floor
Mabel with a bike helmet on
Mabel with Dipper and Soos in a pinball game
Mabel and Waddles with sweaters on
Mabel being impressed with Stan
Mabel in the pool with Mermando
Mabel and Mermando at night
Mabel looking in front of her
Mabel trying to tackle Bill
"You may look, but you can't touch."
Mabel finds a top-secret door
Mabel, Dipper, and Soos in hamster balls
Mabel brings teenage boys back to defeat Bill
Mabel and Dipper on a carpet
Mabel and Dipper high-fiving
Mabel trying to kiss Mermando