"Hog Wild" is a 1974 telefilm produced by Walt Disney Productions. It was originally broadcast on NBC as a two-part episode of The Wonderful World of Disney on January 20, and January 27, 1974. It was directed by Jerome Courtland.
A Chicago man and his family move to an Idaho pig farm, where he's crippled by an angry sow.
- John Ericson - Morris Melborne
- Diana Muldaur - Martha Melborne
- Clay O'Brien - Sterling Melborne
- Kim Richards - Sara Melborne
- Walter Barnes - Tobias
- Nicolas Beauvy - Hank
- Sam Edwards - Farmer
- Shug Fisher - Ropejon
- Ted Gehring - Jud
- Don Knight - Red
- William Lucking - Vern
- Denver Pyle - Dr. Larson
- Fran Ryan - Flora