Eda made Owlbert (with her father's help) from the branch of a palistrum tree, a tradition that has become rare due to overharvesting. Eda often uses him to either steal from the human realm or as a distraction against opponents. Despite being an enchanted object used to cast magic, Owlbert has a sense of independence and can attach and reattach from his staff either by command or on his own free will. He has a very close bond with Eda, who is shown to be protective of him.
Physical appearance[]
Owlbert bears the appearance of a typical owl, displaying brown-toned feathers, golden-yellow eyes, and orange feet. A staff-binding interlock is located underneath his right foot that allows him to detach from atop of Eda's staff.
The name Owlbert is a play on the name "Albert".
Owlbert shares the same name as a 1988 children's book title Owlbert written by Nicholas Harris.
According to Eda's mug shot in "Once Upon a Swap" her staff (with Owlbert on top) is a total of 5'9" (1.75m) tall.
According to Dana, Owlbert was carved by Eda after she was cursed.[1]