Emerald Cove is a 1993-1995 American soap-opera based dramedy television series on the Disney Channel and a serial from the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons of The Mickey Mouse Club (MMC). Also, it was produced by Blue Wave Productions, Inc. in association with Les Choux Company. Troy Miller and Dennis Steinmetz form the directing duo for this show.
They were first aired on June 26, 1993 and also, compiled episodes that were shown as a stand-alone series were aired that began on September 8, 1993. Also, this has 3 seasons with approximately 70 episodes (with 3 segments per episode).
This updated version of the classic 60's beach movies centers a group of surfers, musicians, and party lovers. Many of the episodes are centered on the band called High Density trying to get a job playing at Emerald Cove, a fictional local club (that was filmed and located in Cocoa Beach, Florida).
Also, other continuing themes are the problems that the teenagers encounters while trying to sort out their love lives over the summer and what to do about college.
This series features three famous teenagers, such as Niki Williams (Rhona Bennett), Clarence Wipeout Adams (J.C. Chasez) and Bobby Johnson (Dale Godboldo). Each episode is 10 minutes long and is aired in a recurring fashion twice a week.
- Nicole (Niki) Williams - (Rhona Bennett)
- Clarence "Wipeout" Adams - (J.C. Chasez)
- Bobby Johnson - (Dale Godboldo)
- Melody - (Jennifer McGill)
- Jeff Chambers - (Tony Lucca)
- Cindy "Mac" MacNamara - (Ilana Miller)
- Andrea McKinsey - (Keri Russell)
- Will Jenkins - (Marc Worden)
- Benny Spiros - (Rus Blackwell)
- Blake - (Blain Carson)
- Rick - (Ricky Luna)
- Matt Harper - (Matt Morris)
- Deborah Chambers - (Terri Misner)
- Joshua Q. Anderson - (Josh Ackerman)
- Alex Morgan - (Dah-ve Chodan)
- Susie Winters - (Kari Goetz)
- Maria - (Cassidy Ray Joyce)
- Sebastian - (David Shelton)
- Todd Rulapaugh - (Brian Malloy)
- Sheriff Hodges- (Fred Newman)