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You took everything from me. And now I'm returning the favor.
―Dar-Benn to Captain Marvel[src]

Dar-Benn is a fictional supervillain from Marvel Comics. She made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in the 2023 film The Marvels, where she serves as the main antagonist. She is portrayed by Zawe Ashton.

A warrior and scientist, Dar-Benn is a politician hellbent on saving the Krees’ home planet of Hala and exalting her people to their rightful place in the universe. Strengthened by a Cosmi-Rod and a mystical bangle, Dar-Benn will stop at nothing to seek revenge on Carol.

Dar-Benn was created by writer Ron Marz and artist Ron Lim.


Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvels

After Captain Marvel destroyed Supreme Intelligence, a civil war broke out between the Kree that depleted the resources of their planet Hala, and eventually, the sun was dying, threatening the lives of all the Kree. Dar-Benn, now the leader of the Kree, finds a Quantum Band and intends to use it to save Hala. Also seeking revenge on Captain Marvel for causing the situation, she specifically targets planets of those close to her; Using the Quantum Band to open portals, she drains the air from the planet Tarnax (where the Skrull refugees reside) and the water from the planet Aladna (whose prince, Yan, is married to Captain Marvel) and transports both to Hala.

Lastly seeking to use Earth's sun to restore Hala's sun, she fights Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Monica Rambeau, and is defeated, with her being pinned and impaled under rubble. Captain Marvel tells Dar-Benn that she never intended for Hala to be destroyed and that she will use her power to restore Hala's sun (which she would later do, saving Hala and the Kree). Rather than accept this, Dar-Benn steals Ms. Marvel's Quantum Band and uses both to open a portal through time and space leading to another universe. The amount of power required for this completely disintegrates Dar-Benn, and Monica closes the portal from the other side. Following Dar-Benn's demise, Captain Marvel restores Hela's sun.




v - e - d
Captain Marvel logo
Captain Marvel (video/soundtrack) • The Marvels (video/soundtrack) • As Told by EmojiMarvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteMarvel: Contest of Champions
Carol Danvers/Captain MarvelMonica RambeauKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelNick FuryGooseTalosKorath the PursuerRonan the AccuserMaria RambeauSupreme IntelligenceWendy Lawson/Mar-VellPhil CoulsonYon-RoggSorenDar-BennMuneeba KhanYusuf KhanAamir KhanMaria Rambeau/BinaryValkyrieKate BishopHenry McCoy/BeastG'iah
Carol's BangleQuantum BandsKamala's BangleInfinity StonesTesseract
New Avengers FacilityProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Khan ResidenceNew OrleansNew York CityLos AngelesNew Jersey
See Also
Dark AsterS.H.I.E.L.D.SkrullsKreeMutantsMarvelsMs. Marvel