Danville for Niceness is a song written for and featured in the special, Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation! It is sung by all of Danville through the WJOP TV station after the whole city is mistakenly branded "naughty".
Phineas: Everybody's saying we're naughty, It's getting really hard to take. Isabella: So we've come to let the whole world know there must have been a mistake. Baljeet: So if Santa and his elves can hear us, We hope we've been clear and concise. Buford: In the verses vice versus us. Baljeet: Vice versa: us versus vice. Everyone: Danville is very nice Santa, please Check your list more than twice Guaranteed! Everyone (While Clewn't and Blay'n talk): Danville is very nice Santa, please Check your list more than twice.
Extended Version[]
Phineas and Isabella singing the song.
Phineas: Everybody's saying we're naughty, It's getting really hard to take. Isabella: So we've come to let the whole world know there must have been a mistake. Baljeet: So if Santa and his elves can hear us, We hope we've been clear and concise. Buford: In the verses vice versus us. Baljeet: Vice versa: us versus vice. Everyone: Danville is very nice Santa, please Check your list more than twice Guaranteed! Everyone: Danville is very nice Santa, please Check your list more than twice. Can't you see? Danville is very nice Santa, please Check your list more than twice You've got to see Danville is very nice
Background Information[]
When Clewn't & Blay'n are looking at the screens, Isabella is shown on the second to the top row of screens 3rd to the left. They are looking at 24 screens (6 across 4 down).
The sign says: Danville For Niceness (Or, Santa, What Gives?)
In Dutch, everyone sings "Die Stad" instead of Danville. "Die Stad" means "That City". That's probably because "Danville" or "Tri-State Area" are hardly ever referred to in the Dutch version.
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