"Bug in the System" is the first segment of the fourth episode of Spidey and his Amazing Friends. It premiered on August 20, 2021.
Doc Ock sends her favorite octo-bot to infiltrate WEB-Quarters with a new invention that can steal everything Spidey's ever invented.
With no trouble in the neighborhood, the Spidey Team are spending the day in WEB-Quarters. Gwen is practicing her drumming whileMiles practices his web moves. Peter has invented a new super-sticky web formula that is stronger and skinnier than their usual webs. It is strong enough to hold just about anything, even Spidey's Web-Crawler. And to get it off, he has also invented a web removing formula that instatly unsticks their webs. Suddenly, they get a Spidey-Alert: Doc Ock is in the city, causing trouble. So, they swing into action.
Doc Ock has a new invention called the Octo-Vacuum. It can project a green wormhole that can suck up anything in sight and sends it all back to her lair. The Spiders soon appear and surround Doc Ock. She starts throwing cars at civilians, and the Spiders act fast to catch them in their webs. This distracts them long enough for Doc Ock and her robotic assistant, CAL, to escape. They stop by a jewerly store and try to suck up the jewels with the Octo-Vacuum. But the Spiders intervene. Doc Ock escapes into the sewers, but the Spiders capture her Octo-Vacuum along with CAL. The Spiders head back to WEB-Quarters with the Octo-Vacuum for a closer look, unaware they have CAL wrapped in their webs. When CAL reports his situation to Doc Ock, she sees this as an opportunity to infiltrate the Spiders' secret hideout.
Once back at WEB-Quarters, the Spiders begin work in examining the Octo-Vacuum. First thing they do is remove the webbing with Peter's Web-Off spray, still unaware they have brought CAL with them. He gets free and reports back to Doc Ock, and gives her a camera view of the Spiders' secret hideout. When she notices the Web-Off, she orders CAL to get it as it would be useful to her against the Spiders and their webs. And since CAL is with the Octo-Vacuum, he can use it to send the Web-Off back to Doc Ock's lair. But first he needs to get the Spiders away from it.
CAL crawls over to Gwen's area of WEB-Quarters, and turns on the music. This is enough to lure the Spiders away to check it out. After they turn off the instruments, they spot CAL. Soon he starts to run amuck as the Spiders try to catch him. He causes the training simulators to go crazy, long enough for him to reach the lab area, where Doc Ock's Octo-Vacuum is. Then he starts throwing their stuff at them, including Spidey's new super-sticky web formula, which traps Spidey in a ball of web. Spin and Ghost-Spider web catch the Web-Off before CAL can send it to Doc Ock. They give it to Spidey, who uses it to free himself. Then the Spiders sling the large ball of web at CAL and get stuck.
The Spiders use the Octo-Vacuum to send CAL and the ball of web back to Doc Ock, and when it arrives she too gets stuck to the ball of web. Doc Ock is foiled once again. The Spiders destroy the Octo-Vacuum, but Peter later fixes it. Now it sends trash into the recycling bin.
- Benjamin Valic as Peter Parker/Spidey
- Jakari Fraser as Miles Morales/Spin
- Lily Sanfelippo as Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider
- Kelly Ohanian as Doc Ock
- Dee Bradley Baker as CAL