Bobby Ray Stewart is a character from the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana and the identical brother of Robby Ray Stewart, the younger brother of Uncle Earl, and the uncle of Miley and Jackson whose cousin Luann Stewart is also identical to her and is Bobby Ray's daughter. He is only seen at the end of the episode "Torn Between Two Hannahs", when Robby finds out about Luann locking Miley up in her (Hannah's) closet. He is seen to wear stereotypical cowboy clothes and hat, and he has a strong Tennessee accent. At the end of "Torn Between Two Hannahs", Mr. Dontzig comes in when Bobby Ray and Robby Ray are talking and gets freaked out about it as he hates the Stewarts.
According to Hannah Montana backstory, Bobby was born on July 6, 1968, and grew up in the fictional Bufford County, Tennessee. He has a large family with eight brothers and sisters, including a twin brother named Robby Ray Stewart and a brother named Earl who is seen in the episode "(We're So Sorry) Uncle Earl", and often spoken of. His parents are Bubba and Ruthie Ray Stewart (Vicki Lawrence, known to Miley and Jackson as " Mamaw". He has a close relationship with Dolly Parton who is Miley's godmother.