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"Beauty and the Zit" is the second half of the 7th episode of Dave the Barbarian.


It is the evening of the Barbarian Ball. Candy is fretting about her outfit, but Fang says it shouldn't matter what she wears. Candy wants to look her best for her date - the "dreamy" Pank Scroggle. Dave, Oswidge, and Faffy all come in having heard the "good news." Candy assumes they mean the news about her date, but Dave is happy to be the hat-check guy, Oswidge is excited about the free nut logs he gets for being the party's emcee, and Faffy won the dragon lottery. Candy yells at them to be excited about her date with Pank, because he is not only the heir to a mine, he is handsome and sensitive. Fang comments that he "has twiggy arms and smells like rancid yak butter."

But, Candy stops swooning, and panics about something big and disgusting: a large zit has appeared on her forehead. Dave suggests using zit cream, but Candy asserts that it never works. Oswidge offers to use a magic spell to remove the pimple. After a few failed attempts, Oswidge uses the strongest spell he knows, which makes the zit fall off of Candy's face and bounce away. Candy thanks him and continues getting ready, but the zit begins to grow out of view of the family.

Later, at the ball, Candy arrives with Pank. She is excited, but Pank is inattentive and definitely smells like rancid yak butter. Candy asks to dance with Pank, and he reluctantly agrees. She tries complimenting his "dancing" but he tells her he doesn't care about her opinion. This hurts her feelings, and she starts to cry. Just then, a bulbous pink monster bursts through the wall, and Candy identifies it as her zit. Dave offers to take his hat, but the monster roars so loudly that it sends Dave flying into the hat pile. The monster takes Candy away, and Pank wets himself in response. Fang and Oswidge tell Dave that he needs to help them get Candy back.

The monster takes Candy to a cave outside Udrogoth, and locks her in a cage. He laughs evilly at her for a long time, making her less afraid, and ultimately boring her. With nothing else to do, the monster chats with Candy. Candy admits that she was glad to get away from the ball, saying that her date was a creep. The monster introduces himself as Sebaceous D. Wisehop, or "Zit" for short. Candy asks why he stole her, he admits that he is in love with her. He only wanted to go to the ball with her, and is sad Candy sent him away. Candy consoles him, and she begins to fall for him in return.

What follows is a montage of the two of them spending time together, set to "Candy and her Zit." Before Zit and Candy can share a kiss, the other barbarians burst in, ready to save Candy. Candy tries to stop the fight, but Dave is armed with new and improved Zit-B-Gone. Dave squirts the zit cream onto Zit, and the monster bids Candy a farewell before he shrinks away to nothing. Candy punches Dave, upset that her monster boyfriend is gone.

Some time later, Candy has learned to not judge people based on appearance. Unfortunately, that was the only thing she learned from that experience, as she demands Oswidge use his magic to remove some lettuce stuck in her teeth. This results in a lettuce monster chasing the barbarians through the kingdom.




  • "Candy and her Zit"

v - e - d
Dave the Barbarian logo
Dave the Barbarian
Main: Dave Barbarian • Candy Barbarian • Fang Barbarian • Uncle Oswidge • Faffy • Lula

Secondary: Narrator • King Throktar • Queen Glimia • Twinkle the Marvel Horse • Dinky and Cheezette • Molly • Argon the Ageless • Mrs. Gert Bogmelon • Gormel • Knuckles the Silly Piggy
Antagonists: Chuckles the Silly Piggy • Malsquando • Quosmir • Princess Irmaplotz • Queen Zonthara • Strom the Slayer • Invisigoths • Ned Frischman • Zit

"The Maddening Sprite of the Stump / Shrink Rap" • "Pet Threat / Lula's First Barbarian" • "Girlfriend / Ned Frischman: Man of Tomorrow • Beef! / Rite of Pillage" • "King for a Day or Two / Slay What?" • "Civilization / The Terror of Mecha-Dave" • "The Way of the Dave / Beauty and the Zit" • "Band / Web" • "Sorcerer Material / Sweep Dreams" • "Here There Be Dragons / Pipe Down!" • "Termites of Endearment / Thor, Loser" • "The Princess and the Peabrains / Horders & Sorcery" • "The Brutish Are Coming / The Lost Race of Reeber" • "Lederhosen of Doom / Floral Derangement" • "A Pig's Story" • "That Darn Ghost! / The Cow Says Moon" • "Night of the Living Plush / I Love Neddy" • "Shake, Rattle, & Roll Over / Bad Food" • "Red Sweater of Courage / Dog of the Titans" • "Fiends & Family / Plunderball" • "Not a Monkey / Happy Glasses"
Udrogoth • Great Indoor Marketplace • Sorcery School • Hyrogoth
Dave the Barbarian