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"Be an Alpha" is a song performed in the Zombies: The Re-Animated Series episode "A Wyatt Place". It is sung by Bucky and Willa, who try to teach Wyatt to be an alpha in order to win over Eliza.


Willa: An alpha is forward, an alpha is right
An alpha is never afraid of a fight
They don't ask politely, they kick down the door
And show 'em who's boss with a "roar"

Chorus: Be an alpha, be an alpha
Got to stand up tall and proud
It doesn't matter if you're right
It matters that you're loud
So be an alpha

Bucky: And alpha's decisive, they don't need advice
Won't ask for opinions or ever think twice
There's no hesitation, they make choices quick
'Cause alphas, they know what to pick

Chorus: Be an alpha, be an alpha
Got to never be afraid
The very best decision is
Whichever one you makе
So be an alpha

Willa: An alpha's audacious, they're bold and thеy're strong
They do what they please, and they take what they want
See all those kids waiting for their turn to dine?
Go cut to the front of the line!

Chorus: Be an alpha, be an alpha
Got to never lose your nerve
If you see something that you want
It's something you deserve
So be an alpha

An alpha, an alpha
An alpha, an alpha
An alpha, an alpha
An alpha, an alpha
An alpha, an alpha
An alpha, an alpha
Hey, hey!
Let's go, haha! (Yeah, hahaha!)

Wynter: I'm an alpha, you're an alpha
Hey, Eliza, here I come!
These kids look like they're really mad
Willa and Bucky: I think that we should run
So be an alpha

v - e - d
Zombies logo
Films: Zombies (soundtrack) • Zombies 2 (soundtrack) • Zombies 3 (soundtrack) • Zombies 4: Dawn of the Vampires

Shows: Zombies: Addison's Moonstone MysteryChibi Tiny TalesZombies: The Re-Animated Series (soundtrack) • Broken Karaoke
Video Games: Disney All-Star RacersDisney All-Star Party

Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananEliza ZambiBreeBonzoZoey NecrodopolisThe AceysWilla LykensenWyatt LykensenWynter BarkowitzA-SpenA-LanA-LiAngie WellsAshleyDaeBartlebyHarley
Shorts: "Endless Summer" • "Solstice Slasher" • "Grill or Be Grilled" • "Cabin in the House" • "Suddenly Seabrook" • "I Think We're a Clone Now" • "Coach's Cat" • "Robot Space Bear" • "Wynter Transport"

Season One: "Re-Senior Year/I Scream Zoda" • "Rage Against the Vending Machine/Young, Wild, and Free Period" • "These Boots Were Made for Willa/Double Troubled" • "Alien vs. Shredator/A Wyatt Place" • "Invasion of the Bucky Snatchers/The Dining" • "Training Dae/Youngins & Dragons" • "Foul Play/Catch Meat If You Can" • "When Bucky Met Barky/The More, The Burier" • "No Woman BFF'd Behind/Pet Peeves" • "Something to Tok About/Last Fan Standing" • "Reality Check, Please!/Their Guy Sasquatch" • "Screambrook" • "The Return of the Living Zed/Paint It Blech" • "The Dark Side of the Moonies/AWOOtiful Mind" • "Teeny Witch/The Hunter Games" • "A Fridge Too Far/The Ter-meh-nator" • "Waved and Confused/Abandon Zip" • "Crazy, Stupid, Crush/Ready Player Wynter" • "I Wanna Dance with SomeZombie" • "Santler Claws is Comin' to Town"

Zombies: My YearFired UpSomedayBammStand

Zombies 2: We Got ThisWe Own The NightLike the Zombies DoGotta Find Where I BelongCall to the WildI'm WinningFlesh & Bone
Zombies 3: Come on OutExceptional ZedI'm Finally Me
Zombies: Addison's Moonstone Mystery: More Than a MysteryFeelin' the Power
Zombies: The Re-Animated Series: RepeatA Zombie and Her MachineIt's Free PeriodBe an AlphaMeant to CombineIt's OkayWork of ArtGot It Going OnOur PackBrighter With YouHolly Jolly ZolidaysBingle JellsZ-Town Showdown

See Also
Zombies & CheerleadersSeabrook