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"A Pest of a Pet" is the tenth of the thirteen episodes from The Wuzzles.


The Wuzzles get revenge on Rhinokey by playing a joke on him that makes him depart from Wuz.


When Rhinokey decides to play a trick during Hoppo's audition for the ballet "The Diving Swanpig", the other Wuzzles manage to get a mockingbird-dog (part mockingbird and part dog) to teach him a lesson. When he tries to hide from his new pet, he gets laughed at by his friends and feels ashamed about it and runs away.

Suddenly all the mockingbird-dogs get loose and raise havoc in the Land of Wuz. The Wuzzles realize that Rhinokey is the only one who can out mock the mockingbird-dogs and convince him to come back. Rhinokey finally manages to capture all the mockingbird-dogs, but also plays one last practical joke on Hoppo.


  • The theater that Rhinokey hides in is showing the movie "To Kill A Mockingbirddog", a spoof of the 1952 Gregory Peck movie "To Kill A Mockingbird".

v - e - d
The Wuzzles • Theme song
Bumblelion • Eleroo • Butterbear • Moosel • Hoppopotamus • Rhinokey • Tycoon • Crocosaurus • Brat • Flizard • Transylvia • Girafbra • Officer Eaglebeagle • Mr. Packcat • Mrs. Pedigree • Peter Parafox • Steven Sealbird • Dr. P.U. Quack
"Bulls of a Feather" • "Hooray for Hollywuz" • "In the Money" • "Crock Around the Clock" • "Moosel's Monster" • "Klutz on the Clutch" • "Bumblelion and the Terrified Forest" • "Eleroo's Wishday" • "Ghostrustlers" • "A Pest of a Pet" • "The Main Course" • "Class Dismissed" • "What's Up, Stox?"