Weapon Mastery (replaced with Weapon Forte in some games) is a gameplay feature in the Disgaea series. It refers to a character's proficiency and experience in the use of each weapon type.
How it works[]

A Warrior's masteries after 3 attack of each type in Disgaea 5.
Humanoid units are assigned Weapon Mastery grades as a value between 2 and 30 for each weapon. The game keeps the true value hidden, showing instead a letter-based rank depending on which interval the value falls on:
- E: 2~4
- D: 5~9
- C: 10~14
- B: 15~19
- A: 20~24
- S: 25+
This value indicates how much Weapon Mastery experience a character gains each time they attack with that weapon, increasing their Mastery level when they gain enough experience. The amount gained doesn't change with the power of the attack or number of targets; it only increases through explicit modifiers like Armsmasters or the Cheat Shop.
As a unit gains Mastery levels they receive increased stat gains from equipping that weapon, unlock its corresponding Weapon Skills (for non-Staff weapons) and get improvements to Spells (through Staff Mastery, but only up to Disgaea D2).
Disgaea 5 introduced separate Masteries for both kinds of Monster Weapon as well as an Armor Mastery, which gains experience by being attacked and increases the stat gain of any Accessory equipped.
Below is the list of specific bonuses for each game.
- Experience: The experience to gain a new level is 100*CurrentLevel, and the total experience necessary to reach max level is 495,000.
- Stat Bonus: Weapon stat gain increases by 5% per level, for a total of 1275% increase at level 255. Note that all other equipment is affected by a different multiplier based on the unit's level.
- Weapon Skills: Learned at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 20.
- Spell Bonus: Only available while Staff is equipped:
- Increase Spell range at levels 2, 6, 10 and 15.
- Increase area of effect for Spells at levels 3, 7, 11 and 16.
- Add 3% to the Base Power of all magical skills per level (capped at 100% bonus).
Disgaea 2[]
- Experience: The experience to gain a new level is 100*CurrentLevel, and the total experience necessary to reach max level is 495,000.
- Stat Bonus: Weapon stat gain increases by 5% per level, for a total of 1275% increase at level 255. For Magichange weapons the bonus is only 1% per level. Note that all other equipment is affected by a different multiplier based on the unit's level.
- Weapon Skills: Learned at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 21. Dark Hero Days added a seventh skill that's learned at level 30.
- Spell Bonus: Only available while Staff is equipped:
- Increase Spell range at levels 0, 2, 6, 10 and 15.
- Increase area of effect for Spells at levels 3, 7, 11 and 16.
- Add 3% to the Base Power of Spells per level (capped at 100% bonus).
This game has a type of accessory called Weapon Scroll. While a character has one equipped, their proficiency grade for that weapon becomes A(20) and their Aptitudes for that weapon's attacking stats become 120%.
Disgaea D2[]
- Stat Bonus: Weapon stat gain increases by 3% per level, for a total of 765% increase at level 255.
- Weapon Skills: The first 6 Weapon Skills are learned at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 15 and 21.
- Spell Bonus: Only available while Staff is equipped:
- Increase Spell range.
- Increase area of effect for Spells.
- Increase the Attack Power of Spells by 3% per level (capped at 200% bonus). (Also obtained from Book Mastery)
The Staff bonuses can now also be obtained with Magical Monster Weapons, however they depend on the Monster's own level as there is no Monster Weapon Mastery.
Disgaea 5[]
- Experience: The experience to gain a new level is 15*(CurrentLevel + 5), and the total experience necessary to reach max level is 81,750. Counter attacks only grant half the normal amount of experience.
- Stat Bonus: The stat gain increase from each new level goes up at certain points rather than staying the same all throughout:
- Lv 1~40: +1% per level
- Lv 41~70: +2% per level
- Lv 71~90: +3% per level
- Lv 91~100: +4% per level
- Total: This adds up for a total of 200% stat gain increase at level 100. This bonus is added to the multiplier from Aptitudes where applicable (i.e. 120% ATK Aptitude and 20 Sword Mastery becomes a 140% ATK multiplier on a Sword).
- Weapon Skills: The first 6 are learned at levels 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 and 50. The seventh Weapon Skill is learned from a scroll found in the Chara World, but requires Mastery level 50 to be used.
Disgaea 6[]
- Experience: The Mastery grades give 50 times the experience as the rest of games(i.e. S rank gives 1250 per attack). Armor Mastery is bugged, and characters always gain experience as if they had low E rank(100 per attack). The experience to gain a new level is 3000*(CurrentLevel + 5), and the total experience necessary to reach max level is 16,350,000.
- Stat Bonus: The stat bonus works the same as in Disgaea 5, except without being added to Aptitudes since they're not present in this game.
Disgaea 7[]
- Experience and Stat Bonus: These are the same as in Disgaea 5.
- Weapon Skills: Weapon Skills are learned at levels 1, 5, 20 and 50.
Weapon Forte[]
Disgaea 3 and 4 use a different system called Weapon Forte. In this system, each character class gets assigned a Forte from 1 to 6 for some weapons, indicating up to which tier of that weapon's skills they can learn. Weapon Skills within your Forte can be learned at any time simply by purchasing them with Mana.
The only notable change added by Disgaea 4 is that now Unique characters needs to reach a certain level before being able to buy a skill.
Skill Tier | Level | Mana Cost |
Tier 1 | 1 | 10 |
Tier 2 | 15 | 300 |
Tier 3 | 50 | 600 |
Tier 4 | 150 | 1200 |
Tier 5 | 300 | 2400 |
Tier 6 | 500 | 4800 |
Even if a character doesn't have the necessary Forte, they can still learn any Weapon Skill through use of Reincarnation or the Class/Chara World.
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Aptitude - Attack - Defense - Experience - Hit - Hit Points - Intelligence - Mana - Resistance - Special Points - Speed - Weapon Mastery |
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