hello how are you supernatural world can we ask netflix or capcom to make an animated movie,animated series,live action movie and live action series of Dino Crisis for animated movie and animated series to be a different universe story or timeline
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Like, have it set in the future, with Regina in her 50s, with a very slight belly, her hair still red but starting to go all “salt and pepper”, and starting to feel her age, being called out of retirement for one last mission involving mutant dinosaurs (plus varieties like Eoraptor that haven’t appeared in the games), perhaps even mentoring her successor! What ideas could you see for the game?
The resident evil remakes have done pretty well, not so much Resi 3 I mean but still, we NEED DC remake!!
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Also since Triceratops and Ankylosaurus were cut from the original first game, they should add them in the remake.
I don't whether they should remake both 1 and 2 or only the first game.
you need to improve everyone's page or information
Unilad and Bloody disgusting has made separate articles on this announcement.
A long while back I installed some code onto the site that should have allowed users to receive updates on the Activity page as edits were being (auto-updating via JavaScript, rather than forcing the user to refresh the page). With help from others, I've managed to get the code to work. If anyone had problems editing articles with Visual (i.e. stuck on the loading screen), it's a possible side-effect of the malfunction I experienced on a separate wiki using the code.
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