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Abiy Ahmed Ali

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Abiy Ahmed
Sex or gendermale Cokic
PamacgëtpinyEthiopia Cokic
Name in native languageአብይ አህመድ አሊ Cokic
Birth nameAbiy Ahmed Ali Cokic
Family nameAhmed Cokic
Date of birth15 Pɛnëbɛ̈t 1976 Cokic
Place of birthBeshasha Cokic
SpouseZinash Tayachew Cokic
Languages spoken, written or signedOromo, Amharic, Tigrinya Cokic
Occupationaŋiɛcwëlbääny, military personnel Cokic
Position heldPrime Minister of Ethiopia, Member of the House of People's Representatives of Ethiopia Cokic
Educated atAddis Ababa University Cokic
Work period (start)1991 Cokic
Affiliation stringOffice of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Cokic
Member of political partyProsperity Party Cokic
Religion or worldviewProtestantism Cokic
Participant inWorld Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 Cokic
Military or police ranklieutenant colonel Cokic
Member ofThe Family International Cokic
Award receivedNobel Peace Prize, Time 100, Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud, Order of Zayed Cokic
Official websitehttps://pmo.gov.et/pm/ Cokic
Abiy Ahmed, 2018

Abiy Ahmed Ali ee dhïëth aköl nïn 15 pɛnëbɛ̈t 1976, ee raan aŋiɛwëlbääny de Ethiopia, ku ee yeen bɛ̈ny luɔitueŋ në ŋuan abëëric në Paankɔc Ethiopia Riɛldekɔc Miirimatwuɔt tɛ̈ɣɔn aköl nïn 2 pɛnëŋuan 2018 agut ëmɛn. Ee yeen raan tueeŋ Ethiopia ku raan tueeŋ kuat Oromo cï yiɛ̈k keleecëlonpäth Nobel, acï keleecëlonpath Nobel dë dɔ̈ɔ̈r në 2019 yök, erin luoi cï looi bï akɛ̈ɛ̈k akɛɛth kam Ethiopia ku Eritrea ci göök ruɔ̈n 20 cɔk thök.

Abiy Ahmed ee dhïëth gen thiin cɔl Beshasha, thïääk kek Agaro,Jimma, Ethiopia.Wun ku man aa kɔc kuat Oromo. Abiy acë rot mat thɔ̈ɔ̈r ë buɔ̈c yic kë ŋuɔt ye riɛnythii kor ruɔ̈n 1991 bï thɔ̈ɔ̈r kekë Marxist-Lenist regime de Mengisto Haile Mariam, këye raan ODP Oromo Democratic Party,Akutguirmiir de Riɛldekɔc Oromo, Akutguirmiir mac lɔ̈k Oromia,ku bï këye raan akutnhom kënë akutkuanybëtäkdït ODP. Etɛ̈ɛ̈n, luɔiëciɛŋ ë wëlëmiirdë acï jal gɔl,na ɣɔn looi kuäny wut 2010, go Abiy kuäny këye raanakut Ɣön ë Tiitnyiin kɔc, Ethiopia's house of people's representatives.

Göl në 2015, Abiy ecï yä raan töŋ kɔc tɔ̈ tɔŋ ciɛlic, thär kekë kɔc loi turnyinpiny në lɔ̈k Oromia,ku yɔ̈n tɔ̈ Addis Ababa kɔ̈u.Tɔŋ kënë ace cɔl tïŋ ku ŋic apɛi wut nhom.

Na ɣɔn aköl nïn 15 në pɛnërou 2018, ke baai cï la run kä diäk ke tɔ̈ ariɛric ku cäthrïäkpuöu, go bɛ̈nyluɔitueŋ Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, luɛɛl aɣeer lɔn cï yen muol bänyden bɛ̈nyluɔitueŋ ku bänyakut në Akut Agöcɛ̈rëcɛŋ Riɛlkɔc de Ethiopia ,amatnhomakutëmiir de akutguirmiir miirmatwuɔt de thäi kaŋuan, ODP ee töŋ thïn ye kek ŋuan. Aköl nïn 27 pɛnëdiäk,Abiy acï kuany në akutkuanybëtäk nɔŋic raan 180 ,ye bɛ̈nyakut de EPRDF,ku kuɛ̈ŋthïn aköl nïn 2 pɛnëŋuan këye bɛ̈nyluɔitueŋ. Abiy acï kɔ̈ɔ̈c kekë wët lony kɔc mac de wëlëmiir, awɛtwëlbei lääu,ku leeileeiëkaŋ,ku acï jam loi bë akɛ̈ɛ̈k akɛɛth kekë Eritrea thöl.