“ | (Happy birthday) To... you! | ” |
— Minions
The Shaka Hut is a location in Despicable Me 3. It is located at a beach in Miami, and it is used by the Minions to hold a big dance party in the film.
Despicable Me 3[]
During the heist of a diamond by Balthazar Bratt, two minions along with Gru and Lucy Wilde rushes to the place by their multifunctional vehicles. While Gru and Lucy is able to transform their vehicles into a motorcycle, Lucy shoots near Gru to make him Garry and Oliver fly on to the ship.

However, Garry and Oliver fly too far and land hardly in a nearby crowded beach, and some beach girls where curious about the two of them which made them blush. Soon, the minions become the host of a dance party as they watch naked Gru, only with bursted bubble gum covered few of this body, by a pair of binoculars.