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Haggler (헤글러 Hegeulleo) is a character in Denma.


He's first mentioned in Chapter 2 2. A.E. (16) - Ch.523. And he's first appeared in Kuan's Fridge (130) - Ch.661

He wears a white suit on a black dress shirt and a white tie. Gloves are black. This is White Police Guards' costume.

He's a new White Police Guards member.

He's Duke Gosan's personal bodyguard and he's the one he always keeps around. He's the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall.

He wears White Police Guards' suit. But the White Police Guards members are always wear suit. And he doesn't know what happened in the Gosan family. Gosan's cousin and Mayhen are know him. So there's guess that he's a spy from the Gosan family to another.


1 month ago[]

In Chapter 2 2. A.E. (13) - Ch.520, Mayhen reports something to the Duke who's tries to wear a bread bag. The Duke looked exactly like one of the previous doubles. Next to the Duke, there's a guard that is taller than him.

Mayhen shows an article from the front page of planet eight main news and reports that it's about El's M&A, and his transaction list because she thought the Duke should know. The Duke says this is what happens when the Gosan family favor one over the other, and the El family might even buy off their White Police Guards at this rate. The Duke puts on a bread bag and says it's time to show the true powers of their White Police Guards to the Count El who dared to challenge the Gosan family.

In (16) - Ch.523, The accountant calls Marvin's junior to Ayn and asks who does he think is the strongest of all the White Police Guards. Ayn answers of course, those two are quite strong, but he bet is him, who's the one Duke Gosan always keeps around, and he wouldn't have made it as the Duke's personal bodyguard if he's weak. At this point, Marvin appears briefly behind Ayn. The accountant says he's the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall. The glasses accountant says the accountant getting tense, but he'll never run into him anyway.

1 month later[]

In Kuan's Fridge (73), Gosan sees an Hourglass, and orders he wants more details, so Orange hair should give him all the memories that he read at the site, hold on. Gosan turns his head and calls him, and the Director of Pax Industries and Orange hair see this, but strangely he isn't appears. The Director of Pax Industries came up with the Duke so he turns his head, Gosan takes off his bread bag. Orange hair gives to Gosan's head that the memories. There's a strange sound in Gosan's head, and then it comes back to its original sound. Gosan says it's interesting, and Orange hair should show it to the Director of Pax Industries as well. Gosan wears his bread bag, and Orange hair shows the memories to the Director of Pax Industries from hand to hand.

In (130) - Ch.661, a big guy wears White Police Guards' suit and necktie. Mayhen shows the way to the big guy. The big guy sees Gosan. Gosan's cousin calls the big guy to Haggler, and asks that when did he get here. He answers that it's just now. Gosan's cousin says that he appreciates his hard work. Mayhen sees Gosan's cousin and him. He asks to Gosan's cousin that how did this happen. Gosan's cousin answers that it's due to circumstances, it had to be done. He sees Gosan.

He appears in the planet Moab.

He shoots a beam to Blue old man then Green old man's chest, and he's irritated by the blood on his coat. He goes to Kuan's Fridge.

He appears behind Gosan. He holds Gosan's cousin and says that there were actually a few who decided to protect him. He thumbs up and says to Lot and Federick that they can good luck. He goes to the outside and says that he'll be waiting in front of the door. He closes the door and says that Lot and Federick can do their best. He teleports to the Gosan's. Everyone is embarrassed.

Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot details about an upcoming episode.

Ayn's identity is him.


In 2. A.E. (13), Marvin says to Ayn that the White Police Guards already got three more calling them. Marvin says he doesn't blame the White Police Guards and they're paid eight times the wage they get, so no wonder it seems tempting.

Ayn says Marvin really gotta hand it to Hazz. Marvin sorry for the White Police Guards. Ayn laughs and says that what if they end up buying the whole White Police Guards. Marvin says he knows right. It means that Ayn knows Marvin's identity.

In original version of Chapter 2 (16), the name Ayn (아인, Ain) refers to the German Ein. And the word Ein means "one". And an accountant calls Ayn and asks who does he think is the strongest of all the White Police Guards. Ayn answers of course, Lot and Federick are quite strong, but he bet is him, who's the one Duke Gosan always keeps around, and he wouldn't have made it as the Duke's personal bodyguard if he's weak. At this point, Marvin appears briefly behind Ayn. It means that Marvin knows his identity. The accountant says he's the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall. The glasses accountant says the accountant getting tense, but he'll never run into him anyway. It means that the accountants already meet him.

In (24), Marvin sees a hologram in front of Ayn and says that he has just finished hacking their transmission and he'd better report this in. It means that Ayn is also Gosan's spy too.

In Kuan's Fridge (73), Gosan sit in a chair and sleeping, and wakes up. And when Orange hair reports something, Gosan orders to him that he wants more details, so he should give him all the memories that he read at the site, hold on. Gosan turns his head and calls him, and his cousin and Orange hair see this. But strangely Haggler isn't appears. It seems that real Duke ordered him to keep watch while he was being receive the memories to Avatar Duke. Gosan takes off his bread bag. Orange hair gives to his head that the memories. There's a strange sound in Gosan's head, and then it comes back to its original sound. Because there's a Neuro-scanning socket in Gosan's head.

In (115), Ayn says to Marvin that what's the worst thing that can happen, get fired, but that's about it, and they already got their pockets full from here and there. It means that Ayn is also Gosan's spy too.

And Marvin says the devil's sweet temptation. Because Ayn's battle mode looks like devil. And when Marvin and Ayn away from the El's, they don't know information about the bullet that was embedded in El's head. What this information didn't know from Gosan is the next development.

In (130), he wears White Police Guards' suit and necktie. Mayhen shows the way to him. Gosan's cousin calls and asks to him that when did he get here. He answers that it's just now. Gosan's cousin says that he appreciates his hard work. He asks to Gosan's cousin that how did this happen. Gosan's cousin answers that it's due to circumstances, it had to be done. It means that he should hide his identity when he's outside of the Gosan's like spy.

In (134), Ayn isn't appeared. Because Ayn transformed battle mode and went to the Gosan's.

In original version of (141), Marvin points to Ayn and shouts that he's a devil. Because Ayn 's battle mode looks like devil. In English version, Marvin shouts that Ayn is a monster. Because Ayn's battle mode looks like monster.

In (158), Ayn asks that what does Marvin say they call it here and just something. Marvin says that let's ask for help. It seems Ayn encouraging Marvin to reveal their identities.

And Ayn says goodbye to Marvin and tells that he can call him if he get caught in a tight spot, but then again.

In (172), Marvin says to the lady that he really doesn't want to share a room with Sister Kane, let him has his own room while he's in the Sisterhood of Agni. Maybe Marvin is supposed to contact Ayn privately.

In (202), Cain takes down Gosan's cousin and Mayhen with electric shock device. Cain shouts to Federick and Lot that they should move to Moab with Gosan and baldy. Lot does it. And in (203), Ayn with an urgent expression calls to Marvin. Marvin says to Ayn that he guesses he'll start packing his stuff for his return. Marvin says to Ayn that he does that. It means that Marvin ordered Ayn to go to battle mode and save Gosan's cousin who was kidnapped to Kuan's Fridge.

In (211), he only holds Gosan's cousin, not Gosan. Because Gosan isn't real identity.


1 month ago[]

In Chapter 2 2. A.E. (9), Hazz calls him. Marvin and he are arrive.

Hazz kicks Marvin's shin. Hazz angry and shouts Marvin did the M&A to the Sten Industries and Gold Wing approved without his consent, so he trying to ruin everything the El family worked for, and he does something around their young master. The young master who've a penis nose says he ordered Marvin to do that and the longer they drag this out, the only thing they're getting is more flies, and if Hazz think about the cost it'd take to get rid of all those nuisances, and it's cheaper this way, and that's what he taught him so don't put this on him. Hazz says when the business index gets out and the Gosans find out about it, and they might take it the wrong way. The young master angry and shouts Hazz should shut up about Gosan, and they to bow down to the Gosan family and they're so great because they blew up a planet but they don't have to be scared of them for it, and this M&A got them enough firepower to fight them. The young master says Hazz should be grateful for his father, and if it weren't for him, he would've fired him ages ago after he take everything he stole from them behind their backs. Hazz says all he ever did was for the young master's father, Count El. The young master says Hazz just used El, cause he was so indecisive, and he only cared about his own gain, and he know what he has been doing around here. El sees this to the screen, and he orders Lot to go bring them over here. Lot brings Hazz, Federick, the young master, Cain.

Outside, Cain complains El to humiliating him in front of his men so he's stupid old man. Cain orders to Marvin that from now on, he don't report anything about the merger to Hazz anymore, because he's the one in charge, and he let him know as soon as he so much as look at him funny. Cain orders to Federick that he want to be alone for a minute so he take some time off too until he call him. Cain calls Hazz is greedy fat pig.

He gives Marvin to green tea through his thermos. But Marvin declines the junior's green tea, and he takes out his thermos and drinks green tea. Marvin says the White Police Guards already got three more calling them. Marvin says he doesn't blame the White Police Guards and they're paid eight times the wage they get, so no wonder it seems tempting. He says Marvin really gotta hand it to Hazz. He laughs and says that what if they end up buying the whole White Police Guards. Marvin says he knows right.

The glasses accountant says Lot will win. Another accountant says he has been around the block a few times so he knows, and guys who talk big are never that strong, and Federick is the thumb for a reason. The accountant calls Marvin's junior to Ayn and asks who does he think is the strongest of all the White Police Guards. He answers of course, those two are quite strong, but he bet is Haggler, who's the one Duke Gosan always keeps around, and he wouldn't have made it as the Duke's personal bodyguard if he's weak. At this point, Marvin appears briefly behind him. The accountant says Haggler is the monster of a Quanx who's supposed to be over two and a half meters tall. The glasses accountant says the accountant getting tense, but he'll never run into Haggler anyway. At this time, the senior accountant appears and notices that, this is the accounting and auditing team's report for the second half of the year and their assigned stations, and they'll be performing their auditing duties in their assigned locations for around two months. The senior accountant envies that they barely work four to five hours a day at home, and now they send them on a business trip, and it's more like a two-month paid vacation, so they'd better thank Hazz the merciful, then he notices to the head of accounting team No. 1.

Marvin sees a hologram in front of him and says that he has just finished hacking their transmission and he'd better report this in. Then Marvin's hologram is visible to Mayhen. At this point, it's able to supposes that Marvin could be a spy in the Gosan family, or the Gosans monitoring to the El family. Mayhen reports this to the Director of Pax Industries that this is the list of every White Police Guards stationed elsewhere, who tried to make contract with El, and not only does it show their intention to work for the El family but also the exact amount of the salaries they were promised. The Director of Pax Industries surprised to this because this many agents were compromised. The Director of Pax Industries goes to Gosan who takes off his bread bag and sees the hologram.

1 month later[]

In Kuan's Fridge (85) - Ch.616, Marvin is sitting next to him and he yawns. At this time, Hazz calls to Marvin. Hazz orders Marvin that he should call in all the managers now, including the ones who have already left the office.

Marvin reports something to Cain. Next to Marvin, there's him.

Aaron calls to Marvin. Aaron sees some Kuan's Fridge's keys, and asks to Marvin and him that he need to deliver something to Cain so he can request his audience.

Marvin sighs and says this is exhausting. At this time,

He comes with two cards to Marvin. Marvin asks that he did get a phone number from a hot girl or something. A manager drinks green tea of his thermos. He says this doesn't even compare to that and he can check his out. Marvin sees a card and surprised, and shouts that the cards are VIP premiere tickets to the Nekar festival. The manager's green tea is overflows, and he angry to him. Outside, he asks that this ticket is so cool and how he get these, because most people can't even get a look at these. He answers that he confiscated some ledgers that one of the Nekarian tax accountants allegedly failed to keep records of, and he kept pressuring him with that. Marvin says he's the best student he has ever had, but that old pig told him off for wanting to go to the festival in the middle of this crisis, and why of all times, why he does have to miss out on this joy of life for what. Ayn says he doesn't has to and just go, and what can that pig do about it, and what's the worst thing that can happen, get fired, but that's about it, and they already got their pockets full from here and there anyway, besides, they're going to Nekar on business, the festival is like a bonus, and they can spend tonight with pretty Nekarian babes. Marvin says the devil's sweet temptation. He says that he already packed their things. Marvin asks that did he book the ferry too. He answers that the ship leaves in three hours. He drives, and Marvin calls to Senior manager and reports that it was a necessary decision to protect the El's assets. Marvin says Senior manager that, he can look at him that determined look on his face. He frowns his face. Senior manager says he should cut the bull, and he can see him holding his laughs, and he gotta does what he gotta does just like them, and he'll sending this whole conversation they just had over to Mr. Hazz, and if they don't see their desks after they return, there are two possibilities, they either get promoted or they get fired, and then they should get the job done. Marvin hangs up the phone and he's excited and shouts that here they go Nekar, pure pleasure all the and night.

The senior manager sees Marvin's personal account and says that he expected he and him to drink and party, so he's jealous because he's cleans up after their mess, but Hazz doesn't know this so he ordered that he can't cut his paycheck in half, so he thinks that it's unfair.

Marvin tries to pay off to the women and says that another today to become yesterday, but his bank account is locked. Marvin calls him. A woman is attached to him. The woman aims a gun to Marvin and him and says that, he promised the women 400 Dines for last night. He says that he's pretty sure it was 100 Dines for last night, but Marvin says that's right and it was definitely worth a night.

The other woman smooths Marvin's head and says that he should work on his stamina. Marvin is surprised to see the man and shouts that who's he. The man says that he's the guard sent by Baron Hugol and Marvin said he'd pay him if he partied with him. Marvin says he was drunk yesterday, and he regrets what he thought at that time. The girl is remain and she's the last one. Marvin asks to the girl that she looks young so how old is she. The girl answers that she's 15 years old. Marvin and him are surprised that because the girl is a minor. The girl says to Marvin that it was nothing happened because he dozed off right away.

Marvin points to him and shouts that he's a monster. He also points to Marvin and says that he's the one who brought the girl over here. Marvin shouts that he wouldn't ever that. He says that Marvin may listen to his heart. The girl says she took off her wig and brassiere pads and makeup this morning. Marvin shouts that maybe the girl wearing ladders for shoes so she's so reckless. He calls Marvin to Marv and says that he's out of cash too and the girl said nothing happened so they can give her breakfast and send her workplace. The girl tries to report to the Nekarian police.

Marvin and him are bow down to the girl. Marvin calls to the bouncer guy and asks that if they get arrested by the Nekarian police, what would happen to him. The bouncer guy answers that the Baron Hugol will scold roundly to him. Marvin asks to the bouncer guy that he can lend him that 400 Dines when he gave him before. Marvin gives 400 Dines to the girl. The girl sees money and falls in thought. Marvin makes guns with his hands, and says that the girl's eyes maybe means that she understand rise and decline in life of half, and it'll fall short of money. The girl takes 100 Dines and returns 300 Dines because those girls lied to him, so the red guy was right. Marvin says to him that they were robbed by the girls. He says that it's Marvin's money, so he was robbed by the girls. The girl tries to go somewhere, and says to Marvin that she thanks for his song. Marvin wonders when he hears the words, and soon he notices that song and falls into thought. Marvin says goodbye to the girl, and tells that he hopes they never meet again.

The senior manager calls to him and says that those bastards, the U.C.S. wanted the El's to pay some of the Intersecting Space repair fee, and Mr. Hazz ordered the managers to cover it with some of the loans given to the outer planets, which is why they started dispatching their managers to the outer planets today, it's been delayed long enough, so there's no need for he and Marvin to feel guilty doing nothing out there anymore, that said, he should starting today, he'll be visiting all the Nekar nobles who owe them money. He asks to the senior manager that what about Marvin. The senior manager answers to him that Marvin will stay in his room, finishing up the inspecting on Baron Hugol, of course. The senior manager gives him to the list of debtors he has to meet, and orders that he expects not a penny less than the respective amounts written here for each noble, he won't has time to fool around, parting together anymore, he'll be busy till the day he return to Urano. He takes out white clothes from his carrier. Marvin says to him that he doesn't get it, because the team leader is doing this to him, and he even cheered for them when they said they were going to Nekar, he's splitting them up, he's basically telling him to work his ass off in this room all day. He says that the team leader said it couldn't be helped, and it was a sudden request from the council. Marvin says that it'll be a better world without that stupid U.C.S., extorting money from everyone with every chance they get, they're the root of all evil in this universe, those damn bullies. At this time, someone is knocking the door that loud. That person is the girl who's breathed hard. The girl says to Marvin and him that they should run. Marvin asks that this is about that 300 Dines the girl gave them back earlier. The girl says to Marvin and him that any minute now the cops will be here, because the guys molesting a minor.

The girl and Marvin stop and catch their breath. He's standing on the corner watching for the police. Marvin, he and the girl flee the police. Marvin says that the girl said she's molested by the guys, but she has been said nothing happened. The girl says that her owner told her to say otherwise because he said it was necessary 'cause of Marquess Hojo, she doesn't know the details. He reads a text of a hologram and says that Hojo isn't with the El's.

Marvin, he and girl arrive to the restaurant like Chinese restaurant. The girl eat noodles like Jajangmyeon. Marvin calls to Mayhen. In front of food such as sweet and sour pork (Tangsuyuk), he eats noodles and asks the girl if she wants more. When Marvin talks to Mayhen, he orders more food. Marvin hangs off and says to him that he thinks he was right, that Marquess needed money quick, so he must've pressured his men. Marvin holds his head and says that these Marquess' men bastards even brought the police into this to rip off an innocent tourist like him, and they never card about minors before, and they're using them as an excuse, but still, molesting a minor isn't right. He lies that why they don't eat first. Marvin asks that why they didn't eat yet. He says that Marv will be picking up the tab, so it's only polite they wait for him.

Marvin drinks green tea of his thermos, and worries that now what they do now. He says that they can ask the Baron for help. Marvin says that he already borrowed money from Baron Hugol, so it wouldn't be right to ask him for more favors. He asks that what does Marvin say they call it here. Marvin says that let's ask for help. The girl calls to her owner. The owner says that he heard the police went looking for the molesters but they said it was a bust, so he asks that what's that about. The girl lies that the molesters weren't in their room, so she's looking for them outside right now. The owner orders to the girl that she should call him when she find the molesters. Marvin calls and asks their help to Hugol's henchman. Marvin says to him that he'll be okay on his own because the Baron said he'd take care of it, so he'll just keep him in a room somewhere and make him finish off this inspection, and it looks like their festival is over, they gotta do some work for appearance's sake, so he should get going. He says goodbye to Marvin and tells that he can call him if he get caught in a tight spot, but then again. The girl sees this.

He with an urgent expression calls to Marvin. The girl, Sita hears Marvin calls to him. Marvin says to him that he guesses he'll start packing his stuff for his return. Marvin wears clothes and says to him that he does that.

Quanx Abilities[]

Appearances in Other Media[]

Denma with NAVER WEBTOON[]

Main Image

Default skin (Lv 1, 4 stars ~ Lv 30, 6 stars)

Growth skin (Lv 1, 7 stars ~ Lv 45, 7 stars)

Forest attribute

Vitality 29840
Damage 371
Critical Damage 130%

Lv 45, 7 stars

Icon Level Name Cooldown Description
7 Force shield (포스실드, Poseusildeu) Passive Energizes and creates a shield that is proportional to character's physical strength.
4 Cannon punch (캐논 펀치, Kaenon peonchi) 5' Punches to an enemy with a lot of vitality, and the enemy is pushed back and stunned.
4 Falling rock (돌벼락, Dolbyeorak) 13' Throw a large rock at enemies with less vitality to enemies, to floats in the air within range and inflicts damage.
Hidden Characteristic 4 Three strokes (삼타, Samta) Passive A powerful attack, after basic attack every 3 times.
  • Character Description

He's the strongest of the new White Police Guards. He's a huge monster Quanx, approaching 2m 50cm. He's Gosan's immediate guard, the most powerful of the new White Police Guards.
