Descriptor English: Americas
Descriptor Spanish: Américas
Descriptor Américas
Entry term(s) América
Continente Americano
Scope note: Denominación genérica para referirse NORTEAMÉRICA, AMÉRICA CENTRAL y SUDAMÉRICA de forma combinada e inespecífica.
Descriptor Portuguese: América
Descriptor French: Amériques
Entry term(s): America
Tree number(s): Z01.107
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The general name for NORTH AMERICA; CENTRAL AMERICA; and SOUTH AMERICA unspecified or combined.
Annotation: too general; avoid; prefer specific continents or countries; titles saying "American" are likely to be indexed to UNITED STATES, not here
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
EP epidemiology
History Note: 96; was AMERICA 1975-95
DeCS ID: 19039
Unique ID: D000569
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1996/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2001/07/25
Americas - Preferred
Concept UI M0000889
Scope note The general name for NORTH AMERICA; CENTRAL AMERICA; and SOUTH AMERICA unspecified or combined.
Preferred term Americas
Entry term(s) America

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