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The Small Potted Plant is a weapon in Dead Rising 4.


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Combo Weapons
Acid Grenade - Acid Maul - Acid Rain - Acid Trap Santa - Back Cracker - Bazooka Cannon - Blambow - Blast from the Past - Bon Bomb - Chuck 'N Chop - Deck the Halls - Dynameat - Electric Axe - Electric Wreath - Equalizer - Fire Grenade - Fire Trap Santa - Fish Launcher - Flaming Helmet - Floating Lantern - Flaming Sword - Froztee Penguin - Gandelf - Glass Knuckles - Hit Maker - Holey Terror - Holiday Junk - Ice Grenade - Ice Chain Gun - Ice Sword - Ice Trap Santa - Ion Cannon - Jurassic Barf - Laser Slicer - Laser Sword - Magic Wand - Nut Blaster - Ornament Gun - Plunger Lure - Raining Nails - Roaring Thunder - Roto Killer - Santa Trap - Sentry Kittens - Sledge Saw - Slicing Beauty - Split Shot - Soundwave Trap - Sticky Bomb - Suckmaster 3000 - Tripod Zapper - Umbrella Gun
Exo Upgrades
Exo Suit - Military Power-Up - Ice Power-Up - Electric Power-Up - Vacuum Power-Up - Zero Exo Suit
Exo Weapons (Thrown)
Car Door - Detour Sign
Exo Weapons (Melee)
Candy Cane - Crane Hooks - Fly Swatter - Go-Kart Traffic Light - Holiday Tree - Holiday Presents - Jackhammer - Jumbo Kegs - Military Axe - Parking Meter - Pirate Wheel - Super Fists - Sword in a Stone - Trailer Sign
Exo Weapons (Ranged)
Flamethrower - Minigun - Pirate Cannon - Railgun
Cinder Block - Coffee Pot - Cooking Pot - Drum - Hunk of Meat - Lantern - Round Potted Plant - Scissors - Shopping Valuables - Small Fern Tree - Tire - Yoga Ball - Cane - Hat Rack - Holiday Cracker - Jewelry Bust - Mannequin Arm - Mannequin Leg - Meat Hook - Organ Cooler - Padded Blue Chair - Parking Meter - Pepper Grinder - Plastic Tray - Rebar - Sandwich Board - Snowboard - Step Ladder - Tall Wooden Chair - Vase
Blanka Mask - Bucket - Construction Hat - Hanger - Horse Head Mask - Nutcracker - Penguin Mask - Reaper Mask - Snowman Mask - T-Rex Mask - Triceratops Mask - Wreath
Boxing Gloves - Brass Knuckles - MMA Gloves - Military Shield and Axe - Sword and Shield
Coat Rack - Leaf Rake - Shovel - Ski - Ski Pole - Standing Lamp - Stone Spear
.50 Caliber Pistol - Assault Rifle - Automatic Shotgun - Crossbow - Fire Starter - Flare Gun - Handgun - Harpoon Gun - Light Machine Gun - Lobster Gun - Musket - Revolver - Shotgun - Submachine Gun - Toy Cannon
2x4 - Acoustic Guitar - Anchor - Baseball Bat - Bedside Lamp - Caveman Club - Croquet Mallet - Crowbar - Cutting Board - Dart Board - Dead Blow Mallet - Fireplace Poker - Floor Lamp - Folding Chair - Frying Pan - Hammer - High Back Oak Chair - Hockey Stick - Holiday Bell - Gong - Large Wrench - Lunch Box - Nightstick - Mallet - Maul - Meat Tenderizer - Metal Baseball Bat - Office Chair - Pizza Peel - Plunger - Scepter - Sledgehammer - Spiked Bat - Stackable Chair - Tennis Racquet - Tire Iron - Tripod - Treasure Chest - Walker - Wet Floor Sign - Wooden Stool - Umbrella - Ukulele - Yoga Mat
Bowie Knife - Broadsword - Chef Knife - Dagger - Dual Swords - Fire Axe - Halberd - Hatchet - Katana Sword - Lance - Letter Opener - Machete - Meat Cleaver - Pirate Axe - Pizza Cutter - Rapier - Scimitar - Sickle - Spear - Sword and Shield - Vega Claw
Baseball - Basketball - Beach Ball - Billiard Balls - Box of Nails - Bowling Ball - Brick - Flash Grenade - Flower Pot - Football - Gems - Martini Shaker - Molotov - Ornament - Plates - Small Potted Plant - T-Shirt Launcher - Tiara - Tomahawk - Vinyl Record - Volleyball
Battery - Cash Register - Computer - Defibrillator - Electric Guitar - Electric Prod - Game Console - Hair Dryer - Keyboard - Laptop - LCD Monitor - Portable Stereo - Snow Cone Maker - Speaker - Tabletop - Toaster - Turntable - Vacuum
Chainsaw - Cement Saw - Industrial Fan - Generator - Nail Gun - Singing Santa
Acid Jar - Chemicals - Fire Extinguisher - Household Cleaner - Liquid Nitrogen - Motor Oil - Pesticide - Spray N' Pray
Candy Cane - Fancy Painting - Lawn Ornament - Small Painting - Stick Pony - Swordfish - Toy Cannon - Toy Crossbow - Toy Dragon - Toy Drummer - Toy Hammer - Toy Gun - Toy Laser Sword - Toy Robot - Tree Topper - Wand
Fireworks - Gasoline Canister - Grenade - Propane Tank - RPG - Rocket Fireworks - Gren-Aid - Rocket Bandage
Flaming Mace and Shield - Football Bomb - Freshie Gun - Large Sacrificial Sword - Reaper - Stack of Dynamite - Sword and Pistol - Toy Sack
Downloadable Content
Candy Cane Crossbow - Candy Pain - Clown Car - Lights Out - Santa's Little Melter - Sir Ice-a-Lot - Slicecycle - X-Fists
Ambulance - Antique Car - ATV - Balancer - Cement Truck - Civilian DRV - Donk - El Corro - Electric Scooter - Enduro Bike - Food Truck - Forklift - Go-Kart - Golf Cart - Hearse - Kid's Bike - Mini Car - Muscle Car - Pickup Truck - Police Car - Security Cart - Shopping Cart - Snowmobile - SUV - Tow Truck - Toy Car - Tractor - Trike - Van - Wheelchair
Combo Vehicles
Bogey Monster - Creep Fryer - Cryonic Commando - Kill-O-Watt - MowerHawg - Sling Rot - Tread Maker - Warmonger