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Singular Plural
the attack the attacks


at·tack, Plural: at·tacks


IPA: [əˈtæk]
Hörbeispiele: Lautsprecherbild attack (Info), Lautsprecherbild attack (australisch) (Info), Lautsprecherbild attack (US-amerikanisch) (Info)
Reime: -æk


[1] Militär: Angriff, Attacke
[2] Medizin: Anfall


[1] "Colonel Madison Miller, Eighteenth Missouri infantry, was during the day in command of a brigade, and was among those taken prisoners. He acted during the day with distinguished courage, coolness and ability. … In this attack I was wounded in the leg, Major Andrews severely in the head; and I here take pleasure in acknowledging the courage and coolness displayed by my field-officers Lieut. Col. J. C. Ferguson and Major J. Andrews, and the able assistance rendered by them on that occasion." [1]

Charakteristische Wortkombinationen:

[1] attack on somebody – Angriff auf/gegen jemanden


[?] attack dog


[1] Englischer Wikipedia-Artikel „attack
[1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary „attack
[1] Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus „attack
[1] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „attack
[1] PONS Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „attack
[1] dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „attack
[1] LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „attack
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  1. Frank Moore; The Rebellion record: a diary of American events, with documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc, Band 3; G.P. Putnam, 1864 Google Books
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