Y'know... sometimes a pitcher throws a ball... and the instant he lets it go, he knows it was the wrong pitch. That he's going to get pounded. And he'd do everything he could t'call it back. So... here. We're going to pretend... that this was a pitch that got away. Next pitch... up to you.
- — Superboy
Young Justice #15 is an issue of the series Young Justice (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1999.
Synopsis for "Unstrung"
A few days ago, members of Young Justice attended the the spring dance at Cissie's boarding school. While Kon-El and Cassie hit the dance floor, Cissie was talking to the school's psychologist, Dr. Marcey Money, who is the only person at school that knows about Cissie's secret identity as Arrowette. They talked about Marcey not wearing her engagement ring anymore and about a potential therapy session involving Cissie and her mother. Of course, Cissie was not too thrilled about the latter.
Days later, Cissie visited Marcey for an appointment. Her ex-fiancee Ricky just had left her office and Marcey was scared because he had have shot her if he had carried a gun with him. Cissie tried to cheer her up and then they started with their session. But Marcey's fear actually was not unwarranted because some time later she was killed in her office. Cissie investigated and found a video showing how Marcey desperately had been begging for her life before Ricky had shot her. A disturbed Cissie interrupted a TV interview of Congressman Zuckerman who blamed youth violence, but Cissie accused him of repeatedly voting against gun control. Then Cissie left to quickly put on her "Dark Arrowette" outfit and to follow Ricky and his accomplice Jerry.
In the present, Rick and Jerry are running through the woods, but eventually they slow down because they seem to have dodged the cops that chased them. Suddenly, arrows are fired around them and after firing wildly into the woods with their guns, Ricky and Jerry scramble in panic. Arrowette continues to follow them for about an hour before she attacks again. This time she is spotted though and the guys are able to knock her down from a tree. Her only chance of escaping is to shoot down a beehive. The flushed insects not only attack the two criminals, but they also force Arrowette to jump into a stream to avoid their stings.
While fleeing, Ricky and Jerry run into a bear - Jerry trips and he is knocked out. Arrowette catches up and freezes the bear using a cryo arrow. She ties up Jerry to a tree before following Ricky who left his friend without hesitation. After hitting Ricky with arrows in both of his thighs, the murderer throws away his gun and begs for mercy. But remembering Marcey, Arrowette does not intend to show mercy either and fires another arrow right at Ricky. But Superboy shows up and catches the arrow right in mid-air. Kon-El understands Cissie's motives and tells her that he will not interfere if she shoots another arrow. But Arrowette does not. Instead, she angrily tosses her bow away, falls to her knees and cries...
Appearing in "Unstrung"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Marcey Money (Dies)
- Richard Pulilio (First appearance)
- Jerry (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Bonnie King-Jones (Flashback only)
- Congressman Zuckerman (First appearance)
- Connie (Single appearance)
See Also