DC Database

"Superman and Batman: "The Federation of Bizarro Idiots"": Bizarro No. 1 creates a Bizarro-Batman and both come to Earth to "fill in"--disastrously--for an absent Batman and Superman. After

Quote1 You vandals, spoiling our city... but us have returned, inspired by patriotic hate of our country, to stop you! Quote2
— Bizarro Superman

World's Finest #156 is an issue of the series World's Finest (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1966. It was published on January 25, 1966.

Synopsis for Superman and Batman: "The Federation of Bizarro Idiots"

Bizarro No. 1 creates a Bizarro-Batman and both come to Earth to "fill in"--disastrously--for an absent Batman and Superman. After the Bizarros have created enough havoc in both Metropolis and Gotham City, the real heroes return and they try to put and end to their odd counterparts by showing them some of their past cases. When the heroes show the crimes of the Joker, the Bizarros decide to break the criminal out of prison since he doesn't deserve to be locked-up.

After having released the Joker, the clown prince of crime convinces the Bizarros to join him on a crime spree, to which they agree, but they get a change of heart after the Joker steals valuable jewels, which is only garbage in their eyes. The Bizarros return Joker to the authorities because he is cleaning the city from trash, which is a good thing to do.

The Bizarros continue their weird crusade to break everything on their path and the real heroes decide to follow the same plan, but on Bizarro World. Batman and Superman reach the square planet and they start changing every crooked corner and straighten it, making a perfect city. Batman contacts Robin on earth and tells him to use a special projector to let the Bizarros see what they have been doing in their world. After learning of Batman and Superman's "crimes", the Bizarros decide to return to their home world to change everything back to they way it was and they promise to remain there to prevent any other vandal from fixing their world.

Appearing in Superman and Batman: "The Federation of Bizarro Idiots"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Joker (Flashback and main story)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Tommy Tomorrow: "The Puzzle of the Perilous Planetoid"

This story is reprinted from Action Comics #243.

Appearing in Tommy Tomorrow: "The Puzzle of the Perilous Planetoid"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Space Sandman (disc jockey)


  • Space Ace


  • This is one of the few issues of the series where Batman and Superman do not appear on the cover.
  • First issue to feature Go-Go checks across the top of the cover.
  • First issue to advertise for Direct Currents.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
