DC Database

"The Silver Wing of Terror": In a lonely, wooded clearing, Henry Armbruster and his men run the Silver Swan through a rigorous exercise against a robotic dummy of Wonder Woman. Though she successfully destroys the dummy, the Swan is still reprimanded - and beaten - by Armbruster for leaving too

Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #42 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 2) with a cover date of May, 1990.

Synopsis for "The Silver Wing of Terror"

In a lonely, wooded clearing, Henry Armbruster and his men run the Silver Swan through a rigorous exercise against a robotic dummy of Wonder Woman. Though she successfully destroys the dummy, the Swan is still reprimanded - and beaten - by Armbruster for leaving too many pieces intact. When his associate Choi expresses concern, Armbruster insists his hold over the Swan is unshakable, and that retrieving all the stolen records of the Swan's creation is their top priority.

(Meanwhile, Steve finds himself on a chaotic road-trip with Hermes, who has come to embrace his lack of divinity and corresponding lack of duties. Exploiting his few remaining powers, the former God now drinks, flirts, and brawls to his heart's content, while Steve - already taxed from his fraying engagement to Etta - struggles to rein in the collateral.)

Some time later, the Kapatelises' Boston townhouse is invaded and ransacked by two strangers. On finding the house empty (save for a neighbor Julia assigned caretaker), the pair turn to the Kapatelises' summer house in Wakefield, only to be attacked by a squad of Armbruster's men. The noise awakens the house's sole occupant, Wonder Woman, who finds a badly wounded Solomon Buchman surrounded at gunpoint; horrified, she subdues the gunmen and binds them with the Lasso of Truth.

Before the men can be properly questioned, fresh gunfire draws Wonder Woman back into the house, where she saves Maxine Sterenbuch from a stray gunman. Though knowing little of Buchman and even less of Maxine, Wonder Woman tries to understand as the younger woman presents a pouch of video tapes and files - the very records that Armbruster and Choi have been pursuing - and begs her help. Instants later, the Silver Swan descends and attacks, taking the wounded Buchman hostage.

The three women confront each other outside, the Swan demanding Maxine's pouch even as Maxine desperately tries to reach the gentle, compassionate Valerie Beaudry she once befriended. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman finds the gunmen gone, and her lasso in a crater dug by the Swan's ultrasonic cry; with Maxine diverting the Swan, the Amazon Princess quietly circles the crater and retrieves her lasso.

As Wonder Woman casts the lasso, the Swan - enraged by Maxine's "betrayal" - launches a new cry, louder and stronger than any before.

Appearing in "The Silver Wing of Terror"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Among the debris in the Kapatelis townhouse is an issue of Newsweek pastiche Week-News, depicting then-Vice President Dan Quayle.

See Also

Links and References
