DC Database

"Johnny Quick: The Adventure of the Human Streak": This story is reprinted from More Fun Comics #76.

Wanted #7 is an issue of the series Wanted (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1973.

Synopsis for "Johnny Quick: The Adventure of the Human Streak"

This story is reprinted from More Fun Comics #76.

Dr. Clever fakes his own jail-cell hanging and escapes from jail and invents a ray that gives men super-speed. He uses the ray on his henchman, Breezy, allowing the goon to kayo Johnny Quick, who is performing at a boxing exhibition. Johnny is captured, and imprisoned in a giant squirrel cage, which Dr Clever then heats electrically, but stupidly leaves without watching Quick's demise. Johnny spins the cage so fast that it sucks the electrical switch out of the wall-mounted fuse-box, and is able to break free. Then, since Dr Clever has also stupidly left a hand-held reverse-version of his speed-up ray laying around in his unguarded laboratory, Johnny is able to defeat Clever and Breezy.

Appearing in "Johnny Quick: The Adventure of the Human Streak"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Dr. Clever's super-speed-enabling ray


Synopsis for "Hawkman: The Crimes That Couldn't Have Happened"

This story is reprinted from Flash Comics #90.

Security guards stand watch over a vault containing a satchel of valuable jewels. When they open the vault in the morning they are shocked to find the satchel empty. Hawkman and Hawkgirl investigate the crime. They learn that the satchel did not have any fingerprints. It should at least have contained the fingerprints of the teller that placed the jewels inside the satchel. They decide to visit the home of the bank teller but they find him dead. They do find a drawing of a ghost at the scene that confirms that he was the villain responsible. The scene then changes to a museum where security guards stand watch over a valuable Ruby. They are then taken out by sleeping gas as the Ghost appears and steals the ruby. The ghost then leaves his ghost drawing behind as his calling card. The Hawks then decide to create a ruse to capture the ghost. They plant a story in the newspaper that archeologists have returned back to the states with the worlds largest diamond. The paper goes on to mention that the diamond is being kept by the archeologists at the Dayne mansion. Later that evening, the Dayne mansion is attacked by the Ghost and his thugs. Hawkman and Hawkgirl jump into action as they attempt to capture the Ghost using a net. They find that they have captured a dummy while the real ghost steals the fake diamond and escapes. The fake diamond had been wired to a camera and Hawkman hopes that they have captured his facial features on film. When they develop the picture they find that the face is blank. The hawks are left puzzled as to how the ghost managed to hide his face unless he is a real ghost. They decide to wait until he strikes again in future to find out more about him.

Appearing in "Hawkman: The Crimes That Couldn't Have Happened"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Synopsis for "Hourman: Dr. Glisten's Submarine Pirates"

This story is reprinted from Adventure Comics #72.

The Hourman witnesses the abduction of a naval officer as he leaves the Woo Woo club in the big city. He gives chase and confronts the kidnappers but they take him by surprise and knock him unconscious. The sailor is lead away at gunpoint and placed in a car that speeds off. In the meantime the sailors fiancée is beside herself with worry over the kidnapping of her beloved. Her name is Janet Kirby and she informs the Hourman that her fiancée commander Frank Preston was abducted on his way back to his submarine. A man named Wayne Carson is also present and offers to call the police. Hourman then finds pieces of rope at the scene and decides to see where they came from. He notices that the ropes smell like tar and he surmises that they came from a ship. In the meantime the abducted captain Preston is brought before the criminal known as Dr Glisten. Glisten has the ability to hypnotize his subjects using his glowing skin. He plans to use Preston's submarine to raid ships in the area. He figures the that raids would then be blamed on enemy ships. Hourman later follows up on his rope clues as he tries to find the shop that sold them. By chance he walks into a ship supply store that is being run by a disguised Dr Glisten. Glisten confirms that his shop does carry this type of rope and offers to get some for him but suddenly a man walks into the shop. Hourman recognizes him right away as Wayne Carson, the same person at the scene of the abduction that had offered to summon the police. Hourman forgets about the rope and decides to tail Carson. He follows him to a warehouse next to the docks and discovers a hidden submarine. Hourman takes on the group of thugs guarding the vessel but he is stopped by Dr Glisten. Hourman is temporarily hypnotized by Glistens strange glow but he then uses the bright hourglass around his neck to subdue Glistens power. He overcomes Glisten and his ring of thugs and rescues Captain Preston.

Appearing in "Hourman: Dr. Glisten's Submarine Pirates"

Featured Characters:


  • Dr. Glisten (Single appearance)
  • Wayne Carson (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Captain Frank Preston (Single appearance)
  • Janet Kirby (Single appearance)
  • Mr. Bannerman



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
