DC Database

"Nightsparks for the Wing": The Wanderers get a call from the United Planets. The evolution of planet W-23 has been imperiled by interventions from alien spacecrafts. Because the bird population may never develop without United Planets interference, Aviax is recruited to transform and have sex w

Wanderers #12 is an issue of the series Wanderers (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1989.

Synopsis for "Nightsparks for the Wing"

The Wanderers get a call from the United Planets. The evolution of planet W-23 has been imperiled by interventions from alien spacecrafts. Because the bird population may never develop without United Planets interference, Aviax is recruited to transform and have sex with dinosaurs in hopes of creating a new race of dinosaur bird hybrids which will eventually evolve into birds.

Appearing in "Nightsparks for the Wing"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Power Sword


See Also

Links and References
