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"End of an Era – Part 5: Infinite Valor": Valor deals with an ever changing past and present while fighting Mordru and Glorith. At the End of Time the Time Trapper explains the reasons behind his actions to Cosmic Boy. He reveals that the SW6 Legionnaires are r

Quote1 Imagine being a claustrophobe. Imagine always feeling that there's never enough space. Not enough room... that everything is closing in on you, pressing at you. Now imagine your consciousness suddenly freed -- expanding without boundaries, without limits... expanding to fill all of space and time... imagine being one with the universe -- your essence filling every nook and cranny of all that is or ever was... and imagine it not being big enough. Quote2
— Valor

Valor #23 is an issue of the series Valor (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1994.

Synopsis for "End of an Era – Part 5: Infinite Valor"

Valor deals with an ever changing past and present while fighting Mordru and Glorith. At the End of Time the Time Trapper explains the reasons behind his actions to Cosmic Boy. He reveals that the SW6 Legionnaires are really younger versions of the Legion of Super-Heroes but their existence had weakened the timestream to the point that any alteration of it (even by the Trapper himself) caused it to buckle, distort, and rebuild it self in a new pattern effecting everything...including the Trapper.

Appearing in "End of an Era – Part 5: Infinite Valor"

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See Also

Recommended Reading

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Zero Hour TP
Zero Hour Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

The events from this issue or series are related to Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!, or its successor event Zero Month. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Zero Hour category.
