Imprison a Viking? You fools! My ancestors sailed the seas of the world to conquest! And I shall be worthy of their valiant spirits!
- ā Valkyrie src
When the Island Federation was first being formed, this self-styled "Valkyrie" attempted to hijack the proceedings and take over the world.
Valkyrie was an independent air pirate, commanding a squadron of "Hell Diver" warplanes, which were capable of moving thru solid earth and rock, and flying at fighter plane speeds. She and they attempted to take control of a brand new nation, the Island Federation, by force.
She and her squadron clashed with the Blackhawks at Peurifoy Island, where the Hell Divers inflicted severe ruination to that country, then they clashed again at Blackhawk Island, where a great deal of the squadron's infrastructure and facilities were destroyed. Their third battle took place at Seaward Island. Using advanced detection equipment and superior air combat tactics, the Blackhawks wiped out the Valkyrie's fliers; only she and two of her pilots survived to be arrested.
Powers and Abilities
- Planning
- Leadership
- Delusional Narcissism
- Valkyrie's Hell Divers, a squadron of super warplanes, capable of boring thru earth, difficult to defend against
- 1 Appearances of Valkyrie (Quality Universe)
- 1 Images featuring Valkyrie (Quality Universe)
- 1 Quotations by or about Valkyrie (Quality Universe)
- Character Gallery: Valkyrie (Quality Universe)
Blackhawks Villain(s) This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Blackhawk Squadron. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Blackhawk Squadron Villains category." |