Oh man, Papa was a rolling stone. Bad enough that you got a demon for a Daddy but he's also a back door man? Harsh.
- — Beast Boy
Titans (Volume 2) #3 is an issue of the series Titans (Volume 2) with a cover date of August, 2008.
Synopsis for "Family Affair (Part II) - Sins of the Father"
Raven recounts the events wherein her father Trigon first seduced her mother Arella. Beast Boy makes some off-color remarks concerning Raven's heritage, but Donna sets him straight. In the computer control room, Cyborg manages to identify three women who may have likewise sired offspring with Trigon. The Titans split up into teams of two and go off to track each of the women down.
Donna and Wally go to the last known address of one woman, but it turns out that she died nearly three years ago. The two Titans begin arguing about their personal family commitments, and Donna is forced to remind Wally that her husband and child were killed.
Elsewhere, Nightwing and Starfire investigate another lead. The search ends at any empty house formerly owned by a woman who is now dead. Nightwing and Starfire become uncharacteristically amorous with one another and have sex down on the floor.
Beast Boy, Raven and Red Arrow visit the widower of the third woman. He tells them that his wife died four years ago from a brain aneurysm. Raven grows irritated and begins aggressively questioning him. She asks him if his wife had any children, but he tells her that she did not. The Titans leave and Beast Boy and Raven exchange words about her poor attitude. Raven rhetorically asks Gar "What do you know about being human?" to which he responds by taking the form of a gorilla and driving her against a brick wall. Roy splits them apart with an electro-arrow.
Later, the Titans regroup at Central Park and all of them realize how they have been behaving strangely. Their individual attitudes embody the seven deadly sins. Their self-analysis is interrupted by three young men, all of whom bear the mark of Trigon.
Appearing in "Family Affair (Part II) - Sins of the Father"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Arella (Flashback only)
- Trigon (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Gina (Single appearance) (Behind the scenes)
- Shelly (Single appearance) (Behind the scenes)
- Sons of Trigon (First appearance)
- This issue shipped on June 11th, 2008.
- Includes DC Nation editorial #117 by Michael Siglain.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Teen Titans Recommended Reading
- Teen Titans (Volume 1)
- New Teen Titans (Volume 1)
- Tales of the Teen Titans (Volume 1): #41-58
- New Teen Titans (Volume 2)/New Titans (Volume 1)
- Team Titans (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans (Volume 2)
- JLA/Titans (Volume 1)
- Titans (Volume 1)
- Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans (Volume 3)
- Titans (Volume 2)
- Blackest Night: Titans (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans (Volume 4)
- Teen Titans (Volume 5)
- Convergence: New Teen Titans (Volume 1)
- Convergence: Titans (Volume 1)
- Titans (Volume 3)
- Teen Titans (Volume 6)
- Teen Titans Academy (Volume 1)
- Titans (Volume 4)
- World's Finest: Teen Titans (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans: Year One (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans Go! (Volume 1)
- The New Teen Titans: Games (Volume )