DC Database

""The Fickle Hand (Part II) - Today I Settle All Family Business."": Nightwing returns to one of the many secret safe houses owned by Bruce Wayne in Gotham City. He is grateful for the chance to take a shower and rest for a little while. However, as he enters the penthouse he immediately not

Quote1 You mean who is trying to systematically eliminate everyone who was ever a Teen Titan? Quote2
— Nightwing

Titans (Volume 2) #1 is an issue of the series Titans (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 2008.

Synopsis for "The Fickle Hand (Part II) - Today I Settle All Family Business."

Nightwing returns to one of the many secret safe houses owned by Bruce Wayne in Gotham City. He is grateful for the chance to take a shower and rest for a little while. However, as he enters the penthouse he immediately notices that something is wrong. As an explosion tears through the complex, Nightwing leaps out the window and uses a wing-ding to scale the side of the building. When he lands on the street, he finds himself surrounded by a group of strangely garbed thugs.

In San Diego, Koriand'r goes sunbathing at the pool of her temporary residence - the home of Buddy Baker and his family. Buddy's son Cliff walks onto the patio, but he is less concerned about the naked Tamaranean sitting before him and more worried about the giant monster rising out of the swimming pool. As Starfire take notice she screams "X'hal!"

Raven experiences a similar situation at James Madison High School. A terrifying unearthly creature with numerous horns and flaming breath begins attacking students on a staircase. Raven pushes her friends out of its path and tells them to run.

In Washington, D.C., Red Arrow rides his motorcycle through the park while speaking to his daughter over a communicator. Suddenly, large rocky growths begin rising up from out of the ground around him. Red Arrow veers off to the side to avoid colliding with the obstructions.

In Prague, Beast Boy tries to take an hour to relax from his duties as leader of the Doom Patrol. He looks up just as the ceiling begins dripping lava down on top of him. He quickly transforms into a flying squirrel and glides out of the room.

In outer space, Donna Troy and Kyle Rayner discuss their recent exploration of the Multiverse. From behind them, a spatial rift opens and hundreds of tentacles reach out of it to attack them.

In Keystone City, Wally West takes a quick shower and prepares for dinner. A strange gelatinous ooze appears at his feet and grows in size until it completely entangles his body.

At Titans Tower in San Francisco, Robin prepares his team for an outdoor training session. To their surprise however, the very environment comes to life and begins attacking them. Grass, rocks and trees take on the shape of macabre creature. The Titans grow immediately concerned except for the smiling Ravager who considers this to be "...a hell of a training session".

Back in Gotham, Nightwing defeats his costumed attackers. Unmasking one, he discovers an alien-looking monstrosity with a scaly tongue and rows of sharpened teeth. Batman arrives and gives Nightwing a little assistance by tying one of the foes with his bat-line. As the fight concludes, Batman tells Nightwing that his teammates have been trying to reach him. Dick responds with "I don't have teammates anymore", but Batman counters him saying, "I believe someone thinks otherwise".

A short time later, all of the affected former Titans reunite. In their quest to locate their old ally Cyborg, they learn about a massive attack that devastated Cyborg's new recruits, Titans East. Cyborg, Hawk and Dove are in stable condition. Son of Vulcan, Lagoon Boy and Anima are in a coma. Little Barda is in critical condition and Power Boy is dead. The Titans theorize as to who might be responsible for all of the recent carnage and they all reach the same conclusion - Trigon.

Appearing in "The Fickle Hand (Part II) - Today I Settle All Family Business."

Featured Characters:

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  • The tagline for this series is "Titans Together!"
  • The sub-title to this issue, "Today I Settle All Family Business" is a line of dialogue spoken by Al Pacino's character Michael Corleone in the 1974 Francis Ford Coppola film The Godfather II.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
