The Shadow War of Hawkman was a four-issue limited series published by DC Comics from May until July of 1985. The series was written by Tony Isabella with artwork by Richard Howell and Alfredo Alcala. An epilogue to the series was written for the 1986 Hawkman Special.
- The Shadow War of Hawkman #1
- The Shadow War of Hawkman #2
- The Shadow War of Hawkman #3
- The Shadow War of Hawkman #4
See Also
- Hawkman Recommended Reading
- Action Comics (Volume 1)
- The Atom (Volume 1): The Atom and Hawkman #39– #46
- Brightest Day
- Convergence: Hawkman
- Detective Comics (Volume 1)
- Hawkgirl (Volume 1)
- Hawkgirl (Volume 2)
- Hawkman (Volume 1)
- Hawkman (Volume 2)
- Hawkman (Volume 3)
- Hawkman (Volume 4)
- Hawkman (Volume 5)
- Hawkworld (Volume 1)
- Hawkworld (Volume 2)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3)
- Mystery in Space (Volume 1): Mystery in Space #87– #91
- The Savage Hawkman
- Shadow War of Hawkman
- World's Finest (Volume 1)