DC Database

"Let Nothing You Dismay": A man dressed as The Question robs and shoots a Christmas tree vendor. While bleeding, the vendor stumbles to the police station and reports that he has been shot by "No Face." Then he dies. Izzy O'Toole goes i

Quote1 So ol' No Face's finally crossed the line. Hadda happen, I guess. Quote2
— Izzy O'Toole

The Question #35 is an issue of the series The Question (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1990.

Synopsis for "Let Nothing You Dismay"

A man dressed as The Question robs and shoots a Christmas tree vendor. While bleeding, the vendor stumbles to the police station and reports that he has been shot by "No Face." Then he dies. Izzy O'Toole goes in search of The Question.

Meanwhile, at Myra Fermin's house, Richard Dragon introduces himself and explains how he knows Vic. He tells her he is here to help him. They go to see Aristotle Rodor who tells them he hasn't seen Vic in three days. Myra and Richard leave to search for Vic. They locate his car and find Vic in a church, who is hurt badly and still hallucinating.

Elsewhere, Izzy catches the man impersonating the Question, and shoots him dead.

Appearing in "Let Nothing You Dismay"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Smelly" Melly Warder (Dies)

Other Characters:





  • This issue contains a promo for the film Night Breed (Clive Barker).

See Also

Links and References
