DC Database

"Butterfly": The Question awakens in Aristotle Rodor's house with amnesia. Tot tells Vic that Lady Shiva pulled him out of the river and brought him to Tot's house. Batman pays a visit while Tot is sleeping

Quote1 I was dead. Quote2
— The Question

The Question #2 is an issue of the series The Question (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1987.

Synopsis for "Butterfly"

The Question awakens in Aristotle Rodor's house with amnesia. Tot tells Vic that Lady Shiva pulled him out of the river and brought him to Tot's house. Batman pays a visit while Tot is sleeping and criticizes Vic's crime fighting methods. A helicopter takes Sage from Tot's house to a remote cabin.

A man in a wheelchair, who introduces himself as Richard, tells Vic he will teach him the way of the warrior. Over a span of time, Richard trains Vic, physically and mentally. Eventually, he tells Vic it is time to go.

Vic goes back to Hub City, dons his suit and mask and goes hunting his killers. The Question defeats the Reverend Jeremiah Hatch's foot-soldiers and finally confronts the Reverend in his castle.

Appearing in "Butterfly"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Hub City
  • Richard Dragon's remote cabin
  • Mayor Fermin's mansion




  • It's not clear if Batman is actually visiting Vic Sage in the hospital to talk with him or if Sage is just dreaming of the incident.
  • Myra Connelly is shown on a TV screen, but she is also the figure hiding in the shadows of the Mayor's mansion (last page).

See Also

Links and References
