DC Database

Quote1 Grodd? The telepathic gorilla? Where are you going? Are you going to Planet of the Apes? Quote2
—Julian Albert

Attack on Gorilla City is an episode of season 3 of The Flash. It premiered on February 21, 2017.

Synopsis for "Attack on Gorilla City"

Appearing in "Attack on Gorilla City"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gorillas (Earth-2) (First full appearance) (Flashback and main story) (Also as statues)
  • Unnamed Central City robbers (Single appearance) (Cameo)

Other Characters:





  • No notes.


  • Cisco mentions that Team Flash "we couldn't do it" without H.R. Wells. In alternate universe where Flashpoint never happened, H.R. Wells is still alive[1] (as Savitar never existed in this continuity) and helped Team Flash quickly defeat many villains, including Hocus Pocus, a techno-magician from the 64th Century, and an alternate The Thinker/Clifford DeVoe.[2]
  • Grodd's plan to become the King of Gorilla City is inspired by the Flashpoint Grodd's plan from Flashpoint: Grodd of War #1, a tie-in to the Flashpoint storyline.
  • Julian Albert refers to Gorilla City as "Planet of the Apes" after the movie of the same name.

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.

