DC Database

"Longest Day part 2": War! Hell's forces do their best to hold off the divine armies of Heaven but they are severely outnumbered. Etrigan heeds the advice of his comrades and calls a retreat. Karrien begrudgingly allows an hours rest to his angels, but with the cover of darkness, Etrigan infiltr

Quote1 Fifty angels I've just plucked! I would say your plans are... Quote2
— Etrigan

The Demon (Volume 3) #56 is an issue of the series The Demon (Volume 3) with a cover date of March, 1995.

Synopsis for "Longest Day part 2"

War! Hell's forces do their best to hold off the divine armies of Heaven but they are severely outnumbered. Etrigan heeds the advice of his comrades and calls a retreat. Karrien begrudgingly allows an hours rest to his angels, but with the cover of darkness, Etrigan infiltrates enemy lines and singlehandedly slaughters fifty winged warriors before being captured. Karrien refuses to take Etrigan's life himself, instead handing him over to two old acquaintances, now Demon Lords, General von Raddel and Captain Scumm.

Appearing in "Longest Day part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Demons
    • Sleazy Company
    • The Bastard Squadron




  • Kakk's Jeep
  • The Flying Tigers
  • Hellpanzer

See Also

Links and References
