Batman... crying like a child! That I lived to see this day!
- — Green Lantern
The Brave and the Bold #134 is an issue of the series The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1977. It was published on February 15, 1977.
Synopsis for Batman and Green Lantern: "Demolishment!"
Green Lantern defects to a European country and Batman is ordered to retrieve him. Batman is captured and subjected to torture, part of a process called The Demolishment, including spending days in a sensory deprivation tank that had test subject go mad within two days. He survives by repeating the name "Joe Chill" over and over as a mantra to maintain his sanity.
Green Lantern's defection, of course, was a lie to obtain information on the Demolishment technique to train their agents to beat it. Seizing control of his ring, secreted in Vakla's office, Green Lantern escapes with the Batman to safety.
Appearing in Batman and Green Lantern: "Demolishment!"
Featured Characters:
- Colonel Miklos Vakla (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Daj (Single appearance)
- The People's Republic (Unnamed Country)
- United States of America
- This issue is reprinted in:
- Showcase Presents: The Brave and the Bold Batman Team-Ups Vol. 3
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight - Jim Aparo Vol 2
See Also