DC Database

""The Name of the Game"": Outside of the Capitol Building, Billy Butcher and Terror watched the Seven fly in the sky. Meanwhile, in Scotland, Wee Hughie kissed his girlfriend Robin before someone flew crashing into her, slamming her into a wall and killing her before A-Train rushed past him and

The Boys #1 is an issue of the series The Boys (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2006.

Synopsis for "The Name of the Game"

Outside of the Capitol Building, Billy Butcher and Terror watched the Seven fly in the sky. Meanwhile, in Scotland, Wee Hughie kissed his girlfriend Robin before someone flew crashing into her, slamming her into a wall and killing her before A-Train rushed past him and ordered him to get out of the way. Butcher visited Susan Rayner and had sex with her, as Terror waited outside of her office.

Back in Scotland, Wee Hughie held onto Robin's severed arms and stared at A-Train before the Scotsman started to cry and the supe rushed back to America. Butcher told Rayner that he came to offer his services and claimed that he knew more about the supes (or knew someone who did) than the C.I.A. Butcher claimed that supes might become invulnerable to their own humanity and that they had to be watched, then revealed where M.M. and the Frenchman were before requesting a replacement for Mallory.

Men in suits visited Wee Hughie and gave him a paper to sign in order to receive compensation. However, he did not want compensation and wanted Robin back. When a man named Kessler was on a computer, he was informed that Butcher came to visit him, so he climbed out the window and met him outside. Butcher grabbed Kessler and kicked him before looking at his files on supes. While looking at the files, he saw a picture of Hughie.

The Scotsman was still grieving over the loss of his girlfriend before Butcher sat next to him on a bench.

Appearing in "The Name of the Game"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • A-Train (First appearance)
  • Susan L. Rayner (First appearance)
  • Kessler (Single appearance)


  • Unnamed super-villain

Other Characters:

  • Terror (First appearance)
  • Robin (Single appearance; dies)
  • The Female (Mentioned only)
  • Frenchman (Mentioned only)
  • Mother's Milk (Mentioned only)
  • Michael Caine (Mentioned only)
  • C.I.A. (Mentioned only)
  • Greg Mallory (Mentioned only)
  • Greg Mallory's grandchildren (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
  • Incineron (Mentioned only)
  • The Seven (Mentioned only)
  • FARC (Mentioned only)
  • Dakota Bob (In a photograph only)






  • Only the first six issues of this series were published under DC's WildStorm Productions imprint. Due to its graphic content, DC discontinued publishing the series and it was picked up by Dynamite Entertainment.
  • This series does not take place within canonical Wildstorm/Earth-50 continuity.


  • Partially adapted into an Amazon Prime Original 8-episode serial.

See Also

Links and References
